Old footage found of the moment that motivated Jim Norton to be a successful comedian

3  2016-11-18 by ThunderZek



The fucking trashing that fat cunt is going to have to endure.

She will easily gain 50lbs over the holidays.


thats the funniest thing I've seen all day.

Wow, they stretched those ten seconds out. It's like two fucking pages of frame-by-frame analysis, we get it, the fucking waterhead didn't get to be a turkey.

Oh no!

I know we're supposed to be evil and mean on here about shit like that, mock the parents and the boy but fuck that.

That fat, ugly blonde cunt of a teacher needs to have her tits cut off and force fed to her, her head shaved bald and her teeth knocked out with a hammer before being tossed into a muslim rape gang and be forced to keep the half breed kid that results from the multiple rapings that she receives. Hopefully after that she'll be forced to wear a sandwich board sign everyday of her life that says "I am a smug cunt and I hate niggers" and be dropped off in a different shitty ghetto in the country every day.

She thought the play was over and didnt know he had a line

Of course that's her excuse but you can clearly see the kid walking up to the microphone about to grab it. She had to see it, probably just didn't think an autistic kid had anything of value to say.

I mean come on, the kids big thespian moment was he was going to get to say "Gobble gobble". That would probably be the memory he would treasure for the rest of his life. And now that blonde chubbster took it away from him.

The worst part of it all is that the school will probably have to either re-do the whole play or have an assembly and let him put on his turkey costume and say gobble gobble in front of the whole school. So by punishing him the fattie teacher has punished the entire school.

I appreciate your unreasonable hatred towards the fat teacher (she should be executed simply for being so fat) but what happened to the kid is no big deal. He's six years old, this is not the worst thing that's going to happen to him. I had more awkward and disappointing things happen to me and I handled it because my parents aren't loudmouths on twitter and I'm a neurotypical.

Yeah but he's autistic which essentially means he's retarded so saying gobble gobble in a play is probably his high point forever. You have no idea what that could mean to him since you aren't retarde........oh wait, nvm. I'm so sorry.

You're all gay

I hate this kid's teeth. Why do kids have such awful teeth.

I think that's what baby teeth look like.

It would have been funnier if she took the mic then tried to eat him as he is dressed as a delicious turkey. Or screamed "NOT YOU!!"