Lena Dunham's belly button looks like a soul that's been eaten and is trying to escape.

45  2016-11-18 by crookedmile


Who the hell is she trying to fool by wearing exercise clothing?


Her metabolism

That shit actually works


She's lucky a Japanese whaling vessel didn't pass by.

Moby Bitch

You don't think she's sexy? (NSFW)

That is a man's ass.

Ew is that her?? Isn't she like a 27 year old woman? That looks like the ass of some old guy in a retirement home.....

She's got cirrhosis of the thigh. I'd go to a doctor because, god-willing, she might have liver failure.

"Fuck you whale!!!!"


She has a post work out Krill shake

You mean we're unlucky*

What a strong inspirational potato. She literally looks like a bag of tightly packed cottage cheese. I bet I can blow some crazy fart sounds in her fat gut.

Or out of her flabby ass...

Fuck, now I gotta hit pornhub. Thanks alot.

She's so brave... brave and fat.

She isn't just brave. She's a hero. She's a champion of free speech, gender equality and chocolate consumption.

She reminds me of big hero six

She looks like the son from Bob's Burgers

There's not enough booze in the world...

Id rather fuck a 500 pound woman. At least then i have a story.

That sloppy fat pig has no shame.

I bet if you call him Quatto will come out of there.


Start the reactor. Free Mars.

Lena Dunham is a shitty person, but I'm not going to waltz in here and pretend like I haven't left countless loads in thick white women with similar builds to hers. Hips like that make me nut like crazy.

But she is still a shitty person.



Goddamn. I love gross weirdos but there isn't enough money, booze or coke on earth for me to slide up in that

She looks like she's completely made of dough.

I know we give Amy Schumer shit for being a fat pig, but at least she resembles a creature we can find on earth.

Lena is fucking sickly looking. I've never fucked anything as bad as her, and I hopefully never will. She is revolting.

You know how every female celebrity has a subreddit for guys to fap over their photos? I had to see if there was actually a group for lena dunham. What kind of sick fucks would be fapping over that bitch? I know people are into all sorts of weird shit, but lena dunham?

Fortunately, my fears were put to rest:



Nobody actually masturbates to that fucking thing. My faith in mankind has risen a little.

It's no wonder, even as a celebrity making a lot of money, the best guy she can get is a bobo lookalike (no offense bobo!)

I remember giving Tom Arnold shit for fucking Roseanne to boost his career, but the guy fucking Dunham REALLY has some explaining to do.

0/30 on patrice's scale. Fucking horrific.


She looks healthy and strong

And brave

And funny.

Yeah, right.

definition of a flatso


She has a weird torso in particular from the belly button down. Can you imagine the stench being held in by the yoga pants?

For someone who claims to be a feminist she sure does hate looking feminine in any way whatsoever.

No wonder she never stops complaining. I mean what else can a ugly girl do besides developing a personality.

I think the idea is do develop a good one though.

Repugnant swine

i still don't understand how she is relevant at all. i never knew her name before i came to this sub.

what does she even do? stand up comedy and whine SJW things on twitter? is that all it takes to be a celebrity today?

Her parents are famous artists; her father is a painter and her mother is a conceptual photographer. She grew up extremely wealthy in NYC, and made a bullshit indie film when she was a teenager that won a bunch of film festivals. From there she got a blind deal with HBO to write Girls. She's since wrote a few books and has been involved with other shit that literally nobody outside of the NY-LA liberal circle jerk would have any reason to care about.

She was Anthony's Times Square attacker.

Who is this bitch?

So thats what it looks like when sausage is being made.

Laughing like an idiot at my desk is making me look bad at work

bitch looks like a marshmallow

It's the "sway-gunt marshmellow cunt!"

Time to cross the streams.


She probably wears that heart monitor to cheat her workouts. 1/4 mile at a quick walk and it's at 170 in the red and she's packs it in for the day.

If I've ever seen a punchable face...

I'm liberal but why do bandwagon cheerleader liberal women have that downsy look about them.

It's a rather straightforward exercise to figure out why unattractive woman would turn to liberalism.

because that is where the weak, low t, beta nu malea are. the only ones who will have them

They should have cast her as the fifth Ghostbuster.

Or as the stay puft marshmellow man

Her weight goes to her gut and opies to his tits. Is god a r/opieandanthony regular?

I would fat shame her all night long.

Looks like a transgender sumo wrestler.

I'd run my dick on her shit stationed asshole do

How much money does she have? I'll ream that dough, for some dough.

Quid pro quo lena

To steal Patrice's line - 'Her body is shaped like any container you pour her in'

Is that a tattoo or ringworm on her left side there?

Sadly, I've fucked worse.

How long until she kills herself (leaving a long-winded suicide note about Trump and toxic masculinity, no doubt) and America feigns sadness for a day?

"What did you do, Ray?", "It's the Stay Puft marshmallow man."

she looks like she smells like a bag of dirty laundry

Can we get enough people to tweet her that she looks fawwwkin gud?

Lena is so brave. At least we now have fat Barbie to applaud and congratulate fat people for having the integrity to be fat in public.

Got dem hips, and she can't squatt'em; got less top than she got bottom!

"Hotttt - Pocccckkket!!

Dyke pockkkettt

Blackk lesbiaaan tongue sockettt

Arrrr, this fine beast will provide enough whale oil to light the lamps from Bristol to London. JUST KIDDING, THIS PSYCHO CUNT SHOULD BE CRUCIFIED.

She has the body composition of a tube of toothpaste that has been stepped on by a horse.

Is she a comic? Where did she come from?

how dare she?


This picture should be on Documenting Reality.


that outfit is slimming!

Is she smuggling biscuit dough in those leggings?

The ultimate in erection prevention

no way she runs

That dude looks like a lady.

Actually no, it barely looks human. Fucking fat hairless panda with a shit personality.


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Black guys wouldn't even fuck that.

Lena Dunham? More like Lena Dun-ate-ham.

hoho i'm so clever

Normally with a shot like this, I'd look for a logo, and know who paid for the shot.

No logos. So fatty paid for this shot herself. Good lighting, not too sweaty, makes it look like she's "working SO hard to be fit!"

C'mon. We all know she went home after this and ate an entire box of Krispie Kreams, to drown her Trump induced sorrows.

You don't get thighs like that from running. I'd bet she'd keel over dead if she ran a mile.

That's the body of a woman who's very into her food, not running. But because her top is less fat than her bottom, she thinks she can fool people that she works out regulalry. Give you a hint - when people are losing weight, their fat droops. The skin gets loose, before it tightens up again after weight loss - it takes a while, so people who lose a significant amount of weight look kind of odd. Her skin is tight, and she's like a sausage. She's actively maintaining or gaining weight. Look at those sausage elbows - she's slamming the carbs. Her fat is high, and tight.

This photo is a farce, to make HER feel better.

Listening to music, stretching; Gotta get pumped for that five minute walk to Dunkin Donuts


I'm amazed these fat moles talk about being 'body positive' but at the same time try (keyword) so hard at the gym

Pick a side fat bitch, be a slob or genuinely try to lose the weight


Is she pregnant?