Listen carefully. Do you hear that sound?

0  2016-11-17 by unclepaul84

It's the sound of our President elect's balls slapping against the thighs of a hot blonde teen. America is Great Again. Fuck feminists.


I worked at a grocery store in high school and this old maintenance dude told us his sack stretched so much with age that his balls touched the toilet water when he shits. One day I was in the stall buying Xanax from the meat wrapper and the old maintenance guy goes into the stall next to us. His pants dropped and sure enough, as he sat down we could hear his balls slap water. We both started cracking up. The old guy probably thought we were a couple of faggots blowing each other in the bathroom.

Anyway, do you think Trump's balls touch the water when he shits?

I'm going to say that after it happened the first time, he had Ball bag rejuvenation surgery.

Old President botulism balls

Gotta keep that scrotum high and tight.

only way to wear it.

The old guy probably thought we were a couple of faggots blowing each other in the bathroom.

Thought you were? Or knew you were when he saw one of you kneeling under the partition?


Speaking of no context:

Maybe Hitler wasn't so bad after all.

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Why would you both have to be IN the stall to do this?

I bet Trump does not trim up down there, and is just a mess of orange and grey. Like he stuffed Garfield down his underwear.

I bet it has liverspots and skin tags, and smells like a bedridden seniors asscrack.

Turning yourself on ain't ya?

No one here would hold it against me.

You think a fat 70 year old man can still fuck? Why is a optimist on here?

He was doing 2-3 rallies a day, I'm sure he can still grab pussy.

What a faggy post.

There's no way he still gets his dick hard. Why do you think he ran for president?

Viagra and ground-up rhino horn will give any man worth his salt an erection.