Brendan Dassey Will NOT Be Released

3  2016-11-17 by ScorzeMan


The Court is totally fucking with this kid. lol

The judge is a master troll.

Poor E-rock

Good, the first instance of some unlucky fuck touching this dudes ears would end in a bloodbath

I can't wait for him to get out and then kill someone.

BD: Mah, dey won let get out ta go ta ressle mainya

Mom: ooh new dass bahd, ya know we put a fifth morgage on da trailer ta buy doze tickuts

BD: wass a morgage?

Fuck, hate to break kayfabe here but this bummed me out. That retard should be released yesterday.

[deleted] assignment is really late. It was supposed to be turned in at 2:30


Devastating news.

Good. He raped and dismembered Teresa Halbach.


Well, releasing him would be an admission that a mistake was made, and we can't have that. That's a fate worse than death to anyone in the legal or political system.