Jim and Sam trashing Opie via Corey Feldman (47:18)

53  2016-11-17 by TheScarletR


Trashing Opie via other people is their new sly tactic, which Im fine with

It's a passive aggressive bitch move really...

But it's dumping on Opie. And that makes it ok.

It was all we were ever going to get. Jim would only be confrontational if it was fake.

yeah....just say at the end of all that, "kinda like Opie"

::drops mic::

I like the subtle jabs because you get more mileage out of them. But god damn it, I am waiting for the day that tits gets put in his place. To go this long and to not get verbally knocked the fuck out for being a poser douchebag backstabbing asshole is absurd.

The harsh reality is Tits found where the money was and led the horses and worms to water, so I doubt this happens unless he really starts shit with Sam and Jim.

I completely expect Opie to start shit with Jim and Sam. It'll probably be on Twitter.

I dont think itll happen. I hear Sam and some of the guests say shit that I know Jim wants to pounce on but hes just older and not as angry. Jim even said that he looks back at the 2006 era Jim as an angry,unhappy guy. And thats the Jimmy we all loved

I might have timestamped after the part where Jim says he "doesnt like to criticize Corey because he has no self awareness", thats probably paraphrased

Sam's joyful enthusiasm on the subject is neither thin nor veiled. He's a wormy little mutant.

But he's our wormy little mutant.

Only real complaint I have of Sam is his shitty fake laugh to delay and his fake affirmations before thinking of a new question. Missing link looking twink

Another really annoying crutch he has is saying something 3 times to add emphasis. "You got into the music business, and you were struggling and struggling and struggling and then blah blah etc etc." It's really really really annoying.


Opie's Angels: Roland, Kenny

Don't forget fatty-boy Nagel

This had nothing to do with Opie. You can make the inference of course, but besides being "not self aware" most of it was pretty specific to Feldman.

Choose your battles, god damn it. This is a false flag operation.

In the same show John Mulaney sounds like he is pissed at Kroll. Do they hate each other?

Trouble in paradise I suppose. Well Kroll's funnier and Mulaney took a light hearted joke like a little bitch there.

sam's voice is really fucking irritating

Have Jim and Sam discussed Feld dog on previous episodes?


Jim "Passive aggressive faggot" Norton strikes again!

It was quite satisfying and I'm glad they trust us with decoding the 'subtle' jabs

It is and it isn't. There are lots of people out there like this.

I wish Jim would subtlety jab me with his penis in my anus because I'm a fucking faggot fruit. I'm gay.

I'm unclear on which way you lean sexually.

And still, neither of these alleged males has thrown a real punch.

Ooooh so the angels represent Vic Henley and Sherrod Small?

"And that time Corey claimed we stole his radio show and stabbed him in the back. What an asshole..."

Is this worth listening to daily? It sounds listenable

I don't understand what does Corey Feldman have to do with Opie? This show is stupid, they should replace Sam with the guy Jim was doing his UfC podcast with. I fart whenever my dick gets hard, is my dick hard? No, so then you know it wasn't me who farted.

Swing and a miss, take a lap

He should really be forced to do a 5K after that one.

Not a homerun chippah?

Wish you would run home and jump into a chipper.

You think he dropped that one drinking coffee standing around the work van with the reg' joes and made a mental note to post it later?