Trump is causing Sarah Silverman's body to break down. He's not even President yet and he's already making America Great Again.

142  2016-11-16 by Ant_Sucks


Pardon my language but I'm sick of these uppity rich kikes. Still the best thing I've ever done though so thanks, Sarah

Trump should award you a medal of valor for that.

Trump should award you a medal of valor for that.

Be funny if Trump's entire presidency went like

Ha ho it's the guy!

You inspired me to also wish cervical cancer upon women on twitter.

God bless you sir.

The reporter most likely majored in psychology or political science at a state school

Hahahaha I'm so fucking jealous. Seriously reminds me of skankhunt24.

Amazing haha

you're a legend


Holy shit dude. Do you watch south park? you are the real life skankhunt42

Holy fuck the unintentionally hilarious shot of her with her hands together in a prayer-like gesture. It puts the image in your head of her saying "what do I do now? WHAT DO I DO NOW? WHAT DO I DO ABOUT MY CERVICAL CANCER .............. sniff"

The news is dumb.

Q. Why did the matzah quit its job?

A. Because it couldn't get a raise!

I kind of liked it.

He quit cause he couldn't up and leavened

A younger Cbanks once said "Rich KIKE! I kill goddamn rich kikes!


I hear they're amongst the global leaders in rape manufacturing.

She's probably in the top .01% of the world population in terms of wealth, but she's a woman so that makes her a victim too.


I think you seriously overestimate how much a comedian makes, listen to her interview with Howard stern she discusses her finances

Those sits are almost always wrong and don't take into consideration taxes and other expenses, prob more like $6 mill

Yea, thats why I said "ish" 6 million is still a fuck load of money. She isn't struggling.

Yee I was just arguing she's not in the top 0.01 percent

She's right. The 1930s Great Depression with its extreme poverty, joblessness, and loss of faith in Government institutions is damn near similar living under president-elect Donald J. Trump.

Thank you, FINALLY someone with the courage to speak the TRUTH.

Investigate 3/11

Waterboarding them didn't work. They just played their song. We still need answers.




How the fuck does any of that have to do with Trump being elected? Last I checked, Obama's been running things the past eight years.

This is why a woman shouldn't be president.

Jeez. Calm down Childless Grandma. Take a multi-vitamin.

"This is the Great Depression"

This is Brother Joe level stupidity. Aside from making the Greatest Generation collectively do somersaults in their graves, does she not understand that that "depression" was an economic depression and not the diagnosis her therapist lumps on her after she pays $500 to cry about the struggle of being a millionaire jew?

You know who doesn't have time to moan and whine about the election? Factory workers and electricians and welders that had to go back to a normal bust your ass every day jobs the day after the election.

Oh, you mean those racists who don't use helpful, difference-making hashtags? They're probably even white.

You mean like Regular Joes?

Oh yea, container of coffee, buttered rolls. Wife made em a thermos of soup and a ham sandwich for lunch.

I tell ya, I don't know nothin about nothin except this joist ain't gonna install itself.

White nations having borders = the Fourth Reich. I'm so tired of Jews.

goddamn rich cunts! I kill rich cunts!

I thought she was supposed to be funny, I can never tell what's considered funny with these female comics.

She's not funny but she is hysterical.

does she have the state of palestine on there to be ironical?

Ofcourse she does, when Israel carpet bomb children in Palestine all these leftist Jews quiet up or defend the bombings. Gotta keep that summer house in check

It's true about the hypocritical neo-liberal Jews who supported Hillary like Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham. But Bernie supporters like Silverman are far more critical of Israeli policy.

Let's be real: Trump is going to give the right-wing Israelis everything they want. His second biggest backer is Sheldon Adelson, who would rather see 1000 Americans die in unnecessary wars if Israel can get one more settlement. Trump also promised to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, which the USA has not done yet because Arabs will go nuts and it's not worth the trouble. It's not a surprise Trump is so popular in Israel.

What happend to "drain the swamp" and isolationism through cutting foreign spending? I wondered why mister America first never talked about the billions of usd being sent over there.

Because even Trump knows you dont fuck with the jews

Well it is starting to look like he did exactly what Obama did during his campaign but just on the other side, pandering and lying his ass off to get the votes. Same shit as always.

All the news stories have been horseshit from media companies that havent guessed any of his moves correctly yet, they need to start reporting news again and not speculation about whats gonna happen.

You are right, it's a giant speculation shit fest

Just hearing the phrase "State of Palestine" would have most Zionists foaming at the mouth. So I think she actually supports Palestinian statehood.

I think it might be fatty foods doing the heavy lifting here... I don't even care about her politics, she's just a naggy farty unkempt looking person. She's the one who doesn't shave her legs and let's her bush grow and her puss smells like a public bathroom at the beach. Go feed your dog cottage cheese you entitled bag of shit.

Its shit like this why i still call people, faggots.

I know what she means! My body is aching in the parts that make me a woman... The parts where I've been violated so many times.

You're a national treasure, NiggerFaggot19.

She's an annoying cunt with shoulders like Rajon Rondo.

God bless you Mr. President

Really? Well you should have nominated a better candidate

Yeah don't poison pill Bernie just to fulfill Hill's sense of entitlement about the gig being her birthright.

yeah seriously. I wonder how long it will take for people to forget about the whole Bernie angle, and just remember this election as Trump beating Hillary. really, Hillary beat Hillary.

Who is she kidding? Her body's been on the sag for at least five years.

Fuck her. Waaah, feel sorry for me. She has never been funny nor good looking.

I wish someone would fuck start her face.

If only the Dust Bowl Okies could have stoped whining and see the future of real suffering going on in current year Holmby Hills and Pacific Palisades. Sarah Silverman got hives, just let that sink in.

(((((TITS))))) tho

Jew tits are full of sour milk.

Her body looks like you took one too many slices of bread out of the bag from the middle, then tried to cram it back in before you tied it back up.

I'd still run a batch on 'em

If only that shower abruptly turned off and a small access hole in the ceiling opened up. As she looked up she could catch a glimpse of a smiling man with cigarette in mouth helmet on head drop a small canister into the room.

The best part about the Great Depression was that Hitler was just getting started...

No, the best part was that it cost only a nickel to get a decent blow job.

I think we are at he bargaining stage of grief. I think by the end of thanksgiving the liberals will accept El Presidente trump


You know what the beauty of it is? She realizes she's by default in the Schumer Contingent, and that her species just became endangered.

If Big Amy never existed I'm sure she'd be bummed that we didn't get a woman president, but for her the stakes are about a thousand times larger. Famous? Check. Female? Check. Stand-up comic? Check. All she's missing is about a ton and a half of pigfat.

Silly jews.

You know, people talk about how toxic Twitter is, but it seems to me that it's where celebs go to get their balls washed.

She already had a refrigerator shaped body to begin with

A childrens hospital just got carpet bombed in Syria today. It should have been us.

I could use a new carpet sniff

If her body can tolerate jimmy kimmel it can survive a trump presidency

Someone tell this panicky old lady to relax.


And futhermore,

She's probably started peeing in the bed again.

Wow 100%of the neg mentions on this have come from straight white males. No judgement just noticing!

Wow, she has no self awareness at all. She casually drops the cuck meme tagline non ironically, but as an actual defense.

She thinks she's Chuck Palahniuk... El oh el.

I wish her body had broken down BEFORE making the Sarah Silverman Program.

She's a comedian, this is a joke, and it's pretty funny, women are funny get over it.

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Oh, look. Another unfunny, attention seeking whore making a big deal out of our new, illustrious President again.

Ungrateful bitch, she needs to take a long, hard look at herself and remember that she sucked her way to the 'top' and shut the fuck up.

Ratatouille faced cunt.

These salty cunts don't no pain from a president! Once upon a time I had a great job as a contractor for the US Army at a research facility. Lost my job a year-and-a-half into Obama's presidency due to defense cutbacks. I had great health insurance for $340 a month with no deductibles after Obamacare they dropped me. The equivalent plan with the same company was now $1,300 a month. The Obamacare option for me with $730 Because I made "too much money" I went without health insurance for two years in a row and had to pay $1,000 fee.

What the fuck is she crying about? Because some whiny SJW's are fictitiously in fear for their life? I don't care if president-elect Trump will be good or bad president him getting elected was worth seeing all these tears. Sarah Silverman's pain literally warms my soul every day.

Good news,she bled out.Well,not her but her character. We can only hope life imitates art.




Her New Hampshire cunt's gonna fall off soon.


Implying those people with no food from the depression weren't having the emotional stresses this millionaire has.

Oh no! How will she be able to voice the candy girl in Wreck It Ralph 2 so Opie can take pictures of himself in the theater? Yeah I'm reaching fuck me.

@SarahKSilverman Yes, this is a perfect description of how I feel. I'm hoping those Electors flip because we can't do 4 years of Trump.

Can't leave the jews out of the persecution competition

Do you think liberals are over reacting?

Sarah's too cool for this shit.

She's turning into Amy Schumer. And that's sad.

What happend to "drain the swamp" and isolationism through cutting foreign spending? I wondered why mister America first never talked about the billions of usd being sent over there.

You're a national treasure, NiggerFaggot19.

yeah seriously. I wonder how long it will take for people to forget about the whole Bernie angle, and just remember this election as Trump beating Hillary. really, Hillary beat Hillary.