Jim takes dig at opie "we have been working on the visual aspect of the show" laughs sinisterly. .

25  2016-11-16 by JoePears16

These subtle jabs are hilarious.


Why do you fags act like Norton is 'relentless', he's just making slight passive aggressive ex girlfriend type jabs instead of unleashing on the blonde retard like he should. He's still a worm.

Hopefully they accumulate to the point that Opie has no choice but to respond, and make himself look like the daft, uninformed, callous, cunty person he is. Then Jim will unload and cum mean words all over the place.

This. You don't have to go for the knock out in round 1. Jimmy is establishing his jab is all. He'll start throwing some combinations and really working that betitted body soon enough.

He already did. Don't you remember the video where Opie wrote in the sand?

A worm with a better timeslot and better show than opies

Because he won.

Unfortunately he cant do a full episode on opie sucking... tits would get the show canned

t. opie

He's fierce

*ginger retard

The 3 of them "worked on the visual aspect of the show" for like a decade and Opie never got beyond a 1-camera shoot until like 6 months ago.

It took 2 fat brothers to point out Opie is a dope when it comes to marketing

Ant incorporated a visual element and it made his show far worse than if it were audio only.

Whenever I listened to o&a I never got this complaint. There would be like 3 times max a year that I actually wanted to see what has happening and by then it would get posted online the next day.

Watching people talk is stupid

Jimmy working on the visual aspect of the show concerns me. I imagine it'll just be men blowing eachother in Fireman's Hats.

You got quite the imagination there, bud!

Call it wishful thinking ha ha

No, they really arent. The jabs, like his 3 characters, are getting a little tiring. The amount of ball washing that goes on about that shit morning show is amazing. And, yes, Opie's show is MUCH worse. So is Ants. They all suck terrible dicks. GFY.

Jimmy is acting oops. Like a cunt,a little cunt a cuntee...

Is it?

Yeah opie always said it and cried management wasn't doing enough.