[VIDEO] - Kevin Brennan Loses to 19 year-old Dave Chappele on Star Search in 1993. - [2:44]

73  2016-11-16 by red-light


Then his brother co creates Chappelle's Show. Dave Chappelle fucked him over twice.

He's 19, on a corny but popular network show in the early 90's, and he had a 90 second set. Even if you don't factor all this in, it's a very good set.

I'm gonna come out and say it; Dave Chappelle is very funny.

very controversial stuff on the sub tonight

Big if true.

So Neal Brennan's brother lost to Neal Brennan's brother?

Brennan was PISSED

Next time he's on opie someone call in to ask how pissed he was and still is that he lost. If he's pissed about his childhood you know he's still pissed about this

Thats so funny. I love Kevin.

Wow, Star Search hadn't seen those kind of numbers since Sinbad. Chappelle was obviously destined for greatness

Man, how much genius shit did we miss from Dave losing it?

Or if Patrice didn't eat himself to death. :(

That domino's joke is hilarious

Yeah i laughed pretty hard

Was expecting it to be dated but this whole set had me...HOWLING

If a tv host ever compared me to sinbad idk what I would do. I probably wouldn't take it as a compliment.

Sinbad in 93 was getting hollywood roles left and right plus had a TV sitcom called Sinbad. This was right before the media went whole hog on pushing the gangster rap angle of black culture; Sinbad was the toast of the town.

This was right before the media went whole hog on pushing the gangster rap angle of black culture

Damn I never thought of it like that but you're kinda right. And now Sinbad is acceptable to make fun of because of this.

He wasn't my kinda funny but he seemed like a decent dude. Him and Hangin' with Mr Cooper guy.

He may have been the belle of the ball but I still wouldn't appreciate it

Yo, has Kevin every talked about this? Is that why he hates his brother so much? This is probably how they met, hey you beat my brother on star search!

"Oh, that angry piece of shit?"

"Yep, let's get filthy rich and rub his nose in it."

Pretty sure chappelle did a bit about this at some point. Made fun of the fact that nobody knew who Brennan was. Didn't mention him by name but it would make sense this was the case. Actually I think it was in a chappelle show outtake, in which case Brennan was probably watching back stage..

I know the Chappelle's Show outtake you're talking about.

He was saying that he was on Star Search the same time that Justin Timberlake was and that nobody remembers the people that beat them (Chappelle and Timberlake). He wasn't referring to Kevin Brennan.

Oh :(

This was around the same time that Chapelle starred as Blinkin in 'Robin Hood: Men in Tights' by Mel Brooks. Fucking awesome time period. Chapelle is a national treasure!

You mean Achoo! Blinking was the blind guy

Who wouldn't lose against him

Its crazy he was that good at 19. Werent him and Breuer on Home Improvement and went over Tim's house after having him as a teacher at night school or some shit like that.

Not only that, but they were supposed to have a spin off based on their characters from that home improvement appearance.

I think he started standup at 13.

Yeah, but he fucked Sarah Silverman's farty unkempt public bathroom pussy.

To be fair, Dave is a comedian.

Kevin Brennan has definitely aged, but he hasn't. What a weird thing

Dave used to do comedy at 18+ clubs/bars when he was 16. He was performing yet couldn't get in the place through the front door. The man is a comedic freak of nature.

Chappelle also opened for Aretha Franklin in Madison Square Garden when he was 19.

Chappelle's pretty nervous. You can see his mic hand shaking at 1:20. Great performer though.

what, no cheesy star search song...

Dave Chappelle was a Progeria kid who was cured at 19.

The only thing I'd lose do Dave Chappelle in is a straight man contest because I am gay.

Chapelle is wearing a Cross Colours shirt. I remember them well. That means this is 1992-1993 and we are roughly the same age.

9 year old Dave Chappelle would have beat Kevin Brennan

You mean Achoo! Blinking was the blind guy