Remember Erock? He's uploading old o&a photos

43  2016-11-16 by Dennyislife


looks great but guarantee this was shit radio. "ooooo girls moaning on air" fuck hot chicks and UFC guests.

By "looks great" you mean what? A couple 5 & 6s dyking out, no thanks

I like the lady with the short hair. She looks like a little boy with titties an puss.


Some of these ladies must have kids that have seen these pictures. If they haven't surely they would like to.

dont call me shirley


thank you

Shut up, Shirley.

Wa wa wi wa

Women from the 90s and early 2000s all look like 5s

Ant's in my pants

I'm just as concerned about what appears to be Opie's poster for the band Fozzy.

"Hey Vic, where you at with the Adele?'

Who was shithead wearing baggy jeans with a wallet chain?

Joe Rogan

Nah he was rocking the chained phanypack back then.

I'm pathetic, I need some pussy.

I have a turgid rod from those fucking 5's having some light lez play.

Things like this are best left to the imagination. One cute girl being attacked by a gaggle of battle hardened sex industry veterans.

One cute girl

The one with the gap teeth? She only looks passable because she spent about 6 hours working on her eye makeup.

Things like this are best tefft to the imagination.

Thatchs hilariousch

Newbie-ish listener from the UK here. I didn't know things got that wild

Ever heard of the ol' Wiffle Ball Bat Challenge? (NSFW)


That isn't really wild though. I'd be willing to bet you could produce the same results with your camera phone on a city bus with the right habitual chemicals

Simon you wanker!

Cheers bruv, you killin me m8!

The way it was made out was that they had the hottest woman on the planet just fucking the shit out of each other....

...they are fucking mediocre at best! The one with the short hair looks like the trans boy/girl/it on Shameless this season. Fucking hideous.

Theater of the mind!


Well I don't know about you, but I'm triggered.

Those scumbags would let you stick a live chicken in their asses for $3 worth of meth

Three bucks of meth can keep ya goin' at least another day.

1st photo looks like a better looking Sue Lightining.

Scissor me timbers!


who dis nigga

Dats vulgah.

Erock... comment?

I didn't know Jim had a tramp stamp.


Did Erock use his ghost program to get all these pictures?

I always get a kick out of these.

July 8, 2004 • ive been going to this club for many years. several years back, i went in during the afternoon to find the only entertainment available was the ugliest stripper i had ever seen in my life.

You lot are picky, the blue dress girl is was hot.

Do you guys remember Erock being gay? Oh wait, that was me. I am gay.

So what does Erock actually do now ? Produce for some other show or sort of work in management ?

Rumours say he works with Opie but nobody listens to confirm this

if i were a betting man, i would guess that every bitch in that studio was on some sort of antibiotic.

The O & A shit tits collection.

Lot of 3's in those pics. And not high 3's either.