What happened to Trump's America???

4  2016-11-16 by crookedmile


This N person sure is getting riled up over her processed meats.

I cannot wait until Trump sends them to Eritrea, Congo and Liberia.

The natives hate American blacks, the news stories will be hilarious.

Liberia is a country made up of freed American slaves. It's capital, Monrovia, is named after James Monroe. I don't know much about the country but I'm sure it's a wonderful paradise since they didn't have the white man keeping them down.

Have you seen the Vice documentary?

Shit beach is a thing there. Who needs a toilet when you have a beach?

Have you seen the Vice documentary?

No. I've seen Vice documentaries about Northen Ireland and Glasgow football. I know about both those things and I know Vice was full of sensationalist shit on both of them (not entirely wrong just with a lot of bullshit) so I don't really trust them on anything.

However I also don't need them to that some countries are just shitty in every way.

Why would you ever get rid of people this entertaining?


Your language is problematic

If I can't use that word to describe what happened in that video, then all hippies must be eradicated.

Holy fuck. If this were an independent business, she'd have been shown the door. Nobody who works there is invested, so the behavior is enabled.


This is my house!

Chicken Yell!

Ant wuz right.

Saw den peppuh

She made a lot of good points I thought

Have you seen the Vice documentary?

No. I've seen Vice documentaries about Northen Ireland and Glasgow football. I know about both those things and I know Vice was full of sensationalist shit on both of them (not entirely wrong just with a lot of bullshit) so I don't really trust them on anything.

However I also don't need them to that some countries are just shitty in every way.