Jim Norton & Sam Roberts - Donald Trump Vs Media, Tom Papa, Nattie Nature, Zac Amico (11/16/2016)

20  2016-11-16 by Johnniebutters


I forgot, I have a morning show I like again. That means the constant threat of Tom "The Leprauchan" Papa invading it.

Fucking fag, go on Opie's garbage show. HOW IS THIS GUY A WORKING COMIC.

What, you don't think using his hilarious, whiny Jewish mutha voice is HILLLARIOUS every 10 seconds he uses it?

He's Oqie with interests. Gay interests, but technically interests.

stop trying to be an edgelord. tom is fine.

Then why don't you marry him.


maybe i will. sounds like he is a great cook in the kitchen

A niggerrrrr....cook.

He's a made man in the Seinfeld mafia, it guarantees you a career

and Norton's 'deal' with fellow comics leaves this fucking bore impervious to criticism even when he drops bombs

I don't get why everyone has a problem with him, he's pretty good everytime he's in, he won't be everyone's cup of tea here because he works clean. It's comedy more in the vein of Jack Benny and Seinfeld than Bill Burr or Patrice.

If you take him for what he is, a clean comic who's had some good acting spots and is kind of a throwback to older comedy then you might find him more tolerable.

Personally I like when he's in but I can't stand Dan Soder's voice, I didn't like Legion of Skanks either

I don't find him tolerable. He's not funny, he doesn't shut the fuck up, he never stops with that fake laugh of his. This is like when Paul O tried to defend his movie to Louis CK. He's not an "older style" anything, he just sucks. It's bullshit my mom laughs at. That cunt.

I hate Dan Soder too, so I'm with you there.


^ It's just a different style of comedy, I get why some wouldn't find him funny at all but I think he's good.


^ He also didn't fuck up or steamroll the mongoose bit whereas I could see someone like Soder injecting his shrill midwest lady voice all over it

He's definitely a throwback to Bob Hope, Jack Benny and Seinfeld, he's not your typical cellar comic at all, I get that, but for what he is I think he's funny.

Nice to see someone else that hates him, haven't seen anyone else say it much around these parts.

Dan sucks, and so does his brother, Diet. I went to school with him.


tss-ss..! yeah! what is he.. a drink ah sumptin?......tss...

Pardon my French sir, but you're a fucking faggot.

Norton and Zac Amico sounds like a dream team.

You would think that, ZAC !

Griz confirmed for zac?

Thats right, spread the word

He's great on TACS. Ant should have him more.

That face is the perfect canvas for a staple gun.



Was a pretty good show until the wrestling broad. Listening to wrestlers on the radio is bad enough, but WOMEN wrestlers? Awful.

tom papa is barely qualified to be our manager at panera

Zac's a solid fella. He used to be in a goth noise band called Din Glorious that was at a festival an ex of mine helped put on in Prague- She describes him as a human blumpkin. Apparently he took LSD for the first time as he was about to board his plane back to the states.

Zac Amico on before the PR Rattlesnake.

Mental - was generally decent though.

How is this guy not a regular on Opie's show?

Tom Papa went on Rogan's podcast a few months ago solely to defend and promote Hillary. And to demonise Trump also, of course. He's a cunt, no ifs and buts.

Teft was being quite the mad little liberal faggot today. Trump should know to hire chefs for the white house or I fear for the country!!!


The fact Zac was on before Luis is the funniest thing about this. Zac was excellent though.

holy shit, i thought the ufc fighters were a bore. this wrestling twat is one of the worst.

Nattie Nature AND Zac Amico in the SAME show. Holy shit, they are killing it.

Tom papa is a fag.

Jim: The NY times apologized for underestimating Trumps chances, they did not admit bias in their coverage

The military releases exactly the information to the press that they think will benefit themselves

The press needs to know where the president and president elect are so they can cover things that might happen to them or their reaction to emergency situations. Imagine the conspiracy theories if Trump choked to death at that restaurant and there was no press there

Your personal cell phone is not a tax writeoff

Sam pretending that he knows a thing about politics while trying to poke fun at someone for not knowing something.... ugh. He's Opie with the ability to make jokes.

Sam actually cited an article from SLATE and actually believes that the meeting between Obama and Trump was "Obama explaining basic logic to Trump." He cited the article from SLATE. I don't think I have to make another point.