Message to the LAPD

11  2016-11-16 by unclepaul84



I like brutal humour, but the Patton Oswalt killed his wife jokes are too far imo. If everyone thinks it's a joke, it will never be taken seriously and Patton will never be behind bars.

Talk about a switcharoo

Oh my god

Here's an answer, Columbo:

Patton "Just call me a fat Lee Harvey" Oswalt did it!

LAPD are probably in on it...Patton's trickery knows no bounds.


What is the unofficial narrative on this again? She comes home and finds Oswalt getting buttslammed by 2 Black gangbangers and threatens to out him thus he kills her? Kind of like the police theory for "The Staircase?"

Followed by strangulation, his tiny hands left no marks. Baby Face Half Nielsen

He carefully disposed of all his Gangsta Fag CD's as to not draw any attention. He dindu NUFFIN!

Callously posing with his daughter in twitter "she wont grow up in your world of hate, trump" posts, all the while he's the reason she'll grow up without a mother. Don't kid yourself boys, behind the stickers and grin lays the face of evil itself.

Just another typical day in L.A.

I thought this was about another message to the LAPD, the one from Brother Joe about how he and Anthony's mouths and anuses are ready and willing to receive some delectable porcine phalluses in exchange for a bit of the old "look the other way" when it comes time to discipline a certain girlfriend for her transphobic remarks.

I understand the frustration, but you must realize we are dealing with a MASTER CRIMINAL. Unless the LAPD has Sherlock Holmes on the payroll, I fear Michelle's murder will remain unsolved.

copkilla dfff dfff dffff dfff fawk ya

She gave him enough tips to evade police detection

Those incompetent boobs let Ted Cruz walk free. No doubt theyll let Oswalt walk as well

Corrupt piece of shit organization

This is the dumbest forced meme to ever come around this cesspool of a sub.

Thanks for your input, Patton.

We will never rest until you face justice.

You're less funny than Opie.

Well it's funny but this is pushing it

Or you could lose weight. Either or.

Talk about a switcharoo

Followed by strangulation, his tiny hands left no marks. Baby Face Half Nielsen

Oh my god