Question to Alex Jones fans

0  2016-11-15 by unclepaul84

I used to be a casual fan who occasionally tuned in to Infowars. At what point did he officially sell out to George Soros and the Rothschild family? I used to like him but now he is a such a shill for the Zionists. What a coward he is for taking the easy way out and giving into the elite Jews.


A shill for the zionists? Hahaha who actually talks like that?

People who watch Infowars


He introduced Ant as "fired from Sirius for being a Trump supporter". Everyone of us knows thats BS.


How does a conspiracy theorist not touch on jews except tangentially when he is ranting about the Secret Nazis who run everything? The guy is a clown and works for thirty jew companies. He also married a jewess and popped out a bunch of mischlings.

The exact moment is when Andrew Anglin goaded Alex Jones into giving David Duke over an hour. They yanked the original video, almost two hours, and butchered it down into less than 15 minutes. He also bizarrely claimed that David Duke and others were "werewolves." Like literal belief in werewolves. Its Patrice "jam marbles in my ass" lunacy.

Thats what you want in nationalists: Race mixing and financial entanglements with jews. Hi Gavin!

I thought he'd always been in bed with the Jews.. he never criticised them

Alex is pro police, pro military, and pro Israel. He's literally the least dangerous conspiracy theorist to the establishment. If you were tasked with creating a safer controlled opposition actor for conservative America, you'd fail to beat Alex.

Well said

Because cops and soldiers tell him all the time they're all fans and can't wait to double cross the New world order and fight along side him. Don't you watch?

His breed of conspiracy would've done tremendously well during The Red Scare. Demonizing everyone that doesn't have real power (minorities, women, the poor) and mindlessly supporting the actions of those that do (the wealthy, military, police).


You forgot pro-douchebag

I think when he said "Arabs owns all of Hollywood, not the Jews" that's the point where you go bye bye


The fuck makes you think you're going to find Alex Jones fans in this sub?

You do know that George Soros is against Israel? He was a Nazi sympathizer.

I thought Anthony was the biggest self-hater in the world. I guess not.



Whats his take on lizard people? Also, who gives a fuck?

IDK if this is a joke, because so many people say this. Niggas dick ride David Duke after his Alex Jones appearance. I don't know why, I'd watch it, but its two hours long and I can't justify watching dumb shit for that long; 20 minutes is probably my limit.

Are people in this sub actually fans of David duke? It's hard to tell who's being serious sometimes. If this place is genuinely an unironic hub of white supremacist, conspiracy theorists, holy fuck do I have egg on my face

I wouldn't expect many people to be fans of David duke period, he looks like he loves little boys

David Duke seems like a real nut job, but for some reason a lot of people online agree with him. Its some strong fucking ignorance.

At least Alex Jones tries to have a little fun with his craziness. David Duke is just a straight up mong.


Well there's some Proud Boys on this sub & they basically are a mirror image of the ideology of the David Duke's following.

What if ol looney Duke was right all along and Lizard people take over, ah we can dream I guess


Cbanks what happend you used to be cool? I hope this one of your faggy copycats, but alas I fear you take this politics shit seriously now


Lol did I try to hide the fact? As you can see I don't use alts and post mainly here as I have done for years. No I don't hate Jews or Israelis, belive it or not we try to make jokes around here


No. Not really considering my family were most likely Jews before Islam came along. When did I deny it? Stop being such a pussy about the whole thing


Yeah sounds about right


Atleast make it "a good one"


Better, some insight into the McDonald's logo community



Well my ancestors, yeah I think so, I don't think I can be called an anti semite since most likely I am a semite.

Well said


Because cops and soldiers tell him all the time they're all fans and can't wait to double cross the New world order and fight along side him. Don't you watch?

His breed of conspiracy would've done tremendously well during The Red Scare. Demonizing everyone that doesn't have real power (minorities, women, the poor) and mindlessly supporting the actions of those that do (the wealthy, military, police).

He introduced Ant as "fired from Sirius for being a Trump supporter". Everyone of us knows thats BS.

You forgot pro-douchebag