Opie has gone all Lady Di on us and is now living in the past

22  2016-11-15 by Dennyislife


Here's the crazy part.

This fucking clip went viral on Reddit's r/videos the other day - it literally went all the way to the top.

The fucking "hater site" that dummy refuses to mention gave this clip traction and now he's trying to own it with a tweet about a day late.

fuck this dolt

He so wishes "@opieradio" was in the youtube video title

I bet Louis and the rest of that crew all hate him. Whenever they have a funny moment that might need some context or could be embarrassing, he's the first to sprint online and broadcast it to the world just so people will think he's popular.

Like, I'm sure Louis isn't ashamed of that clip or anything, but if it were me, I'd be annoyed by Opie plastering it on his gay ass twitter.

In the early stages of the Opie vs Ant drama, Anthony mentioned briefly that Louis had some issues with Opie. Something where Louis talked to Anthony privately about it. Unfortunately, Ant never got into specifics about it.

Hopefully he's slipped into a state of permanent dementia, close on the heels of his mother.

The company lets him falsely advertise his channel just to make him go away.

So, he's getting his show topics from this sub?

Or reddit videos yeah.

except he's not on a Navy ship. He's on a two man mini zeppelin outfitted with port and starboard bra bombers.

hey, gotta do something to try to get those views

Now i could be wrong but didnt that shirtless hacky comedian mention this one the Jim and sam show when they were in LA.

Those years are Opie's glory days. He will forever be mentioning the Patrice, Bill, and Louis years.

His glory days were when he barely participated in what was going on, save for interrupting the flow of conversation.

No, no, no, I'm not living in the past.

The Opie we know and hate is the prime of his life, peak mental strength Opie. Imagine how his descend into senility will look like. Let's hope his carer won't take the phone away from him so he can keep pumping out that premium viral content.

i think caregiver would be a better term. I read that as "career" but misspelled.

Good job on plugging his shit then, faggot

A screen shot of Opie tweets is a plug now? I'll be demanding tickets to when Opie does a event and then bitch when I don't get them then


Post when there's a happening. This is fucking nothing but a waste of space on the front page. You're getting reported for whoring for Tits. Do you think I'm some amateur? You're a paid intern trying desperately to keep his name on the radar, without these utterly useless threads his name would disappear from my brain in 3 days. Now go fuck a child or whatever it is you also enjoy, judging you actually follow this vain loser voluntarily.

Your father didn't hug you much, did he, champ?

fuck you cunt

I like internet tough guys.

Easy, fella.

What's a happening?

why dont you come back here and shut up?

More caps it will drive your point home harder.

Lynsi? Is that you?