Just a quick FYI: Big Jay went to UFC 205 and paid for his tix like a man...

58  2016-11-15 by 90yroldbigpeckakid

...who was short of a hook-up but still wanted to go. Didn't bitch about it, but instead made it happen.


It's because Opie didn't want to go to see the fights. He wanted to be acknowledged and hooked up with tickets, he thought he was one of the celebrities they'd sit ring-side and maybe the camera would pan to him between fights.

He's not annoyed he didn't get to see the fights live, he's probably never watched more than 5 minutes of MMA. He's annoyed no one gives a fuck about him enough to give him some tickets.

He would have left before the McGregor fight and then bragged about how he missed the traffic.

Opie just wanted to get tickets so he could not show up.
and then babble on bout how he was too busy to attend

Hilarious cause that fucking faggot hasnt had an interesting story to tell for 2 decades.

The opester has kids you know, no time for anything.

ME: I'm ALL in with the AMA!

Not for those guys... Maybe do a YouTube AMA. sniff

You would get gold in any other sub sir, unfortunately I can only wish you cancer of the AIDS here. Yet this is an extremely accurate observation.

Cancer? Head cancer.

to Jay it was a sporting event between men that he wanted to spectate. To Titty Mcgee, it was a scene to make a splash at.

Yeah he's so douchy. A multi millionaire crying about some tickets. Ugggggh


Why is this notion so difficult for others to grasp? Thanks for breaking it down.

Opie is a multi-millionaire who could have easily gotten a good ticket.

Like others have said, he just wanted to tweet Dana thanking him for tickets so he looks important.

100% bought his girlfriend with him and then will mention her in every story ever on every podcast and form of media he's on (she's also at every one of them too).

Latest LOS with Bisping was funny (Dave being annoying as usual), but would have loved the awkwardness of Jay being there and rambling on about some long-winded story and Bisping pulling him up on it.

They look like a smelly couple, their sex stories are fucking boring and long winded, he try's to get her uninteresting ass on the mic as much as possible but, his cronies say nothing cause the desperately need to ride Jay's mediocre coat tails. And when they do bring it up, he becomes a whiney, defensive cock.

I gave up on anything involving jay because of his horsefaced broad that he has to bring into every conversation. The minute I hear "cmon Christine, pull up a mic", I'm done. But now it's every fucking time. And poor horseface, it's not her fault. It's her dumb fat ass mans fault cause he thinks his lady is the pinnacle of entertainment wherever he goes.

Jay use to be pretty funny but that shit seem to go away once he met his bitch. Now he just ruins every podcast/ radio show he's on. Dan soder needs to bail on the bonfire featuring Jay's girlfriend Christine, That shows only dragging him down.

Their relationship creeps me out actually

she's on camera at LOS (talks about her constantly), works on the bonfire, for some reason always off mic talking on SDR, he brings her on the fucking road with him

i don't have SESO, but is she somehow involved in that crowd work show? I was half expecting her to turn up on his comedy central special.

everyone has a friend that brings their mrs with them to every engagement - everyone knows how annoying it can be.

You're talking about a guy whose regular summer wardrobe is jean shorts where all five pockets'll fit a hoagie, with a wallet chain, with a hoodie, with fingerless gloves, with slick neon running shoes, with an arab head scarf thing hanging out of his back pocket blabbering on about a couple tiny dick threesomes he's had when he was listening to two-tone hair Puddle of Mudd on a low carb diet. He's not as bad a Sherrod, but he's getting there.

It all went to hell when he cut his hair. He became the worst, or it was the start of the Bonfire.

Co-dependent assholes that bring their girlfriend everywhere are the worst. It doesn't matter how cool she is or how easily they can be "one of the guys" it still sucks.

I havent had friends in so long I forgot how annoying that is

I think she's also his manager and at the very least she manages a comedy club a lot of them work at.

no one else brings their manager with them to every single podcast they do.

They also swing so maybe he figures he's missing out on a lot of action if she's not there.

they fuck 4's together? wow, never heard that before.

you'd think he'd mention it more, wouldn't you.

Her laugh creeps me out

Soder was good as usual - annoying that the Bonfire is unlistenable.

soder is funny on ykwd, opie's show, sam's show etc.

for some reason, it doesn't work on the bonfire.

Yeah its almost like some sex-obsessed fatso is holding him back

How can he be sex obsessed with how much road pussy he gets? You need to hear him talk about road pussy for the 50th time, then mention how girls throw themselves at comics for simply being on stage. Road pussy.

The Bonfire is amazing. If you don't like it, that's on you. It has a huge fan base who all enjoy it.


Don't begrudge anyone who enjoys it, and I like Soder on every show. I also like LoS, as Luis tries to stay away from their individual passions that they have their own podcasts for - Dave:Politics, Luis:MMA (didn't really talk to Bisbing about it), and Jay:Porn and Nu-Metal music. The Bonfire is too much unfunny sex and music talk.

The Bonfire talks about so many topics. They rarely talk about porn or Nu-Metal. I agree Big Jay would always steer the show to those two topics if he was in charge. But Soder seems to understand that and steers the show to different topics. For a brief period in the beginning, Big Jay was doing too much sex talk. But that is long gone.

That's (((surprising))).

Do you guys know that you're mentally ill? Why would anyone listen to 'The Opie Show starring Opie and some shitty guest and that's it' and then try to act like using more of your day to discuss him invalidates that rather than adding onto it? You are spending 4 to 5 hours a day every single day on Gregg Hughes. lmao

Another quick FYI: I am gay.

But he dressed like a fat 17 year old goth girl, and constantly spoke over everyone to reference the last swinger party he went to.

... while wearing fingerless gloves like a child.


Do more crowd work, everyone wants to hear about this asians pussy totally being wet right, this dude knows. Jays the fucking worst black comic but is white so people think hes unique

Jay is a no talent nobody.

It's not beneath him to give Louis Gay Gomez a rusty trombone for better seats though.

They also swing so maybe he figures he's missing out on a lot of action if she's not there.

soder is funny on ykwd, opie's show, sam's show etc.

for some reason, it doesn't work on the bonfire.

The Bonfire is amazing. If you don't like it, that's on you. It has a huge fan base who all enjoy it.