Now on Archive: Opie & Anthony Soulseek Collection - Misc. 2005-2014 MP3s found on Soulseek - Available for Stream/Download (A-Z order, 752 files, 6.3gb)

8  2016-11-15 by braunheiser


If you want to download these with BitTorrent, /u/FrunkisOA offered to host them on his seedbox ! (thanks Frunkis)

However the collection is still going through a finishing task "(this item is currently being modified/updated with a "derive" task)" once that is done the .torrent file will work properly, currently it's only 403mb so all the files aren't in there yet... that way you don't have to wait for's seedbox to rotate around to you. Direct Download works alright.

My io account will seed it as well.

Thanks Braun!

No problem!