Seems like a pretty decent fellow

0  2016-11-15 by Anarchorenegade


I'm sure those quotes are 100% accurate quotes taken directly from his mouth.

Three of them are Milo Yiannopolous headlines from when Bannon was editor.

I knew it was some shit like that. Attributed everything ever published there to him.

The editor typically writes the headlines

Which is fair though, right? A person in that position at any media company should be able to stand by anything that was published under them.

Ah no

Dan Rather's career ended not because he reported falsified documents, but because he presided over people who did. Chain of command; personal and professional responsibility. Remember those virtues?

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Hey, he was right about William Tager and his attack, and had a storied career at CBS. But he ultimately presided over a major fuckup with the Bush records, as a managing editor, and fell on his sword.

Why not? That's always been a standard of good journalism--not that the editor or chairman has to agree with their reporters, but that they should be called to stand by the journalistic merit of their stories.

Not direct quotes.

Clearly not, but in this post who is saying they are?

The moron in the op's link and the garbage newsreport they are tweeting


I stand corrected. He was basically Andrew Breitbart but alive.

yes he had them tattooed on the insides of his cheeks and lips ... msnbc performed a series of grafts to get them out of his mouth. true story.

Why just "women"? Shouldn't everyone just "log off" if they're being harrassed online? What a sexist pig.

Mr.Shitlord_cuntdick makes a valid point

Men figure it out themselves so they don't need to be told.


Ya we should sent him to sjw reeducation camp he can concentrate?


Wow what a white supremacist

Read the author. "MILO" wrote them, and these are the headlines that are already known because he read them and stood by them on stage. I'm sick of the annoying liar faggot but Trump should have him come out and defend the headlines as his own words and not the editor, who as his boss refused to silence his gay voice.

What's the problem?

Haha boobs radley because she's "deep" enough to read To Kill a Mockingbird but sassy enough to change the reclusive negro's name to reference her tits. World make way for this gal huh fellas?

Which is fair though, right? A person in that position at any media company should be able to stand by anything that was published under them.

The editor typically writes the headlines