Sister Fister Lena Dunham calls Paul Ryan and gets the treatment she deserves

117  2016-11-14 by Ant_Sucks



Don't tell her.

Lol I love how the automated message cut off her dumb rant

What an entitled cunt.



Directly on the pay no mind list

A clue, what is she like a detective or something? Sherlock Holmes, more like She-Lock Holmes or something? Jus riffin.

dats fawkin stupid it wouda bin shislock holmes cawksuckahhhh


Her and the thousands of dumb blogger broads online exactly like her. I love this. She's campaigning for Trump 2020.

'People of colour'

Tsss what are they? fukkin' umpa lumpas or sumthin'?

You spelled "color" the faggy, British way. Unacceptable

....spelled. What am I a witch?

Fawk yeah good one Chippah

He gives us so much, and all he asked for was $60,000.

Holy shit, how have I never seen this? I am HOWLING!


Homerun Chippah


Thats how the unclean out themselves

She has the same chin Jim had in the 2000s. Also, I'm sure that audio on the other end sounds great driving down the road with your window down and the phone two and a half feet away from your mouth. You didn't wan't him to hear it. You wanted to feel good about yourself and garner attention from your followers.

If anything goes within 12 inches of her mouth it is automatically consumed

Hi, Paul Ryan, this is Lena Dunham

Hi Lena, how's your sister's pussy?

Sore, but that's not why I'm calling. I want to express my disgust at the democratic process and want you on the phone while I take a runny shit.

She's calling about an appointment, not an election result.

She came so close to doing what you're supposed to do when you disagree with a decision made by an elected representative, then it turns into the typical cry baby shit you'd expect from a spoiled millionaire.

Did anyone catch her gearing up as soon as the voicemail said "if you have any questions or concerns?" That You asked for it, now I'm going to give you a piece of my mind punchable face.

Newsflash Lena - Paul Ryan has no control over who the President appoints as his top advisor. Good to know you're ugly and stupid.

Absolutely. I also get a kick out of here sheer self importance when she says her name, as if Paul Ryan knows who she is or gives two shits about who she claims to represent. "Oh no! It's Lena Dunham".

When I first heard her name last week I thought she was the wife of that comedian with the faggy ventriloquist routine.

tssss tssss fawkin good one sockcucckkkahhh

Ugly, stupid and incestuous.

so brave

LOL even the voicemail didn't want to hear her shit.

such a strong woman

This cunt needs to embrace how irrelivant she is.

Except on here.

She owes her fame to (((certain New Yorkers))). No one watches her shit show.

I doubt her dad's rich NYC art patrons were (((nepotistic))), why would you think that?



She does. Everytime she looks into the mirror.


I am embarassed for humanity for the phrase "people of color"

Just remember it's people of color not colored people or coloreds for short or what are you doing in the front of the bus blackie.

Would you prefer "people of melanin"?

No I don't prefer them.

I'm tempted to say how hilarious it would be if halfway through the video she was tboned by a car running a red light. But I'm not a monster so I won't

I'm touching myself to the thought of this scenario.

A sucker punch and phone robbery from an amoral POC would be even better

That coward turned off the comments like she's Opie Dunham.

She looks like a soggy bag full of old mayonnaise.

                       INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE 

Please repeat your message.

                              LENA DUNHAM

I'm a dissapointed Jew-Lady and--

                       INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE

We heard you!

dissapointed Jew-Lady


(that's how they do it on Jezebel, right?)

I was watching Obama's press conference this afternoon. Almost every one of the female press correspondents he called on gave verbose, droning questions exactly like Lena Dunham did in this voicemail. Addressing their feelings, elaborating needlessly on things that could be said summarily, using the stage to make it about themselves with the threat that any pushback could be labeled as mansplaining and misogyny..

After about the 7th run-on sentence Obama's face would register the nonverbal equivalent of the Ryan answering machine. He would check out mentally, face gone slack and eyes downcast, and stood there waiting for them to finish.

Yeah, I've noticed this about the modern Left: They try to do a sort of Jedi mind trick. They think that by using big words to prove a bad point that they'll be able to convince stupid people that they're right.

In high school I would write out an essay in simple terms then go through and change every other word with the thesaurus. I'd do them the night before, but my teachers always gave me good marks. Fucking idiots. Now I'm a teacher and I can confirm how fucking dumb my colleagues are.


Even the answering machine detests shrieking liberal cunt faggot niggers


I wish some black youths would play the knockout game with her

if she was literally sucker punched by a black guy on the street, the first thing she would think of when she woke up was to make it clear that they're called "people of color." She's sick in the head.

I believe they prefer colored people.

She's really out there making a difference. Brave and fierce.

whats some of dem minorities we got??

Ummmm.....blacks, jews, gays, samoans


blacks slave pretty guu..


"As a this, as a that". The personification of identity politics, and 100% tone deaf.

Holy shit, she is fucking crazy.

Ben Shapiro, a Jewish man, who actually worked with Bannon for two years and basically thinks Bannon is a bad person, has said "While I don't think Steve is a good person at all, I saw zero evidence of him being racist or anti Semitic the entire time I was around him".

Yet, Lenah knows better.

It's the new narrative, either from the Hillary camp, or Soros. "White Supremacist" is the new rapist. Nobody really knows what it means, but it implies white power and KKK and Nazi.

In other words, if you're white, you're okay with that, and even slightly proud of white people, you're a horrible racist who should be jailed forever.

They're children. They think like children. They act like children. And, if you're white, you should be profoundly insulted by what they're trying to do to you.

I wish these idiots would meet an actual racist. They are creepy. I've met Asian racists, Black racists, White racists. Actual hardcore "My race is supreme and I HATE anyone who isn't apart of it". I don't know anyone who is actually like that. Do they exist? sure. Murderers also exist, but it's in low numbers and certainly not worth acting like they are the majority.

And no, telling a racist joke does not make you one of these people. I've hung out with all races, blue collar, white collar, gang bangers - a lot of them make jokes about other races. It's not a reason to mark them with the scarlet "R" and run them out of society.

Leftists are so used to playing the moral superiority card that they've been completely blind to how good we actually have it in this country, when it comes to "Social justice".

For God's sake, we have actual laws in place that will put you ahead of the line for a job or enrollment for college if you AREN'T white. That's how far we've went in the other direction, and it's still not good enough for them.

I guarantee you if liberals had their way and made all white people disappear, they would still find a way to divide the remaining groups with their moral soap boxing.


God. So disgusting. This is the worst generation. So pathetic and disgusting. So whiney. I love how these hypocrites don't find it sexist to vote for a woman only bc it's a woman. Fuck I hate these people.

So she didn't even leave a message right? She just hung up. What an idiot.

The objective was not to leave a message and let your "argument" have any real contact, it's to film a video about your bravery as a womyn and as a human.

To dial again would border on "work." Also, her gnat-like mind had moved on.

Haha I love how it's a big existential crisis with this pig - look at her Instagram since the election. She's among the most privileged people in the world, yet she still finds a way to make it seem like her whole life is in shambles now because of a change of government that will BENEFIT her (((tax breaks)))

She really needs a shower.

A big group shower for 'delousing' is more like it

It must be exhausting being this angry.

I bet most actual racist people have less stress than this pig.

I can confirm: I'm fairly relaxed.

Is she in a cab on the way to the airport?

to the showers with a bit of luck

She looks like a salad


I can still see a stress zit from election night.

I'm really getting sick of this guy.. and what kind of faggy name is "Lena" for a guy.

Her entitlement is mind blowing.

Fax machines have sent voicemails that are easier-on-the-ears

She should totally kill herself!



Awww, Lena...aren't you a special little snowflake? The perfect embodiment of the safe space generation.

She was probably in an Uber, stuck in protest traffic trying to get across town to an opening, and decided to get brave.

"Sister Fister" is quite brilliant

She is such an aggravating fucking cunt.


Even machines cant be programmed to have enough tolerance to listen to her inane fucking shit.

She's a walking embarassment and even that's an understatement.

This Bannon guy was called an anti-Semite solely by reports from his ex-wife while she was in the process of taking every penny she could- this is all from a woman with every motivation in the world to bury this man- this was nothing more than another 'look at me! I'm better than them' narcissistic post from the typical Hollywood libtards

I hope that Trump appoints a young and profoundly right-wing Supreme Court justice. Because of the unnecessary suffering that gives me such joy.


She really does have a face like a warthog that's had a stroke.

Lol paul ryan didnt want trump as president either he was going to run in 2020 and now he probably has to wait 8 years to be president

She's a fucking child

I don't like something, let me call the speaker of the house like when I called my dad because everyone at summer camp called me a fatty.

I still dont know who this is.

Doesn't count unless she films herself.


AHHHHHH Shaaad up Cunt!



Dude everyone enjoys going pig hunting now and then be a tad bit original


I wonder if you spread her ass and put your nose directly on the precipice of her asshole, what would it smell like?


Is she supposed to be funny? Smart? At least I know what Amy Schumer is trying to be, even if she sucks.



Click, cunt, goodbye


At the precise moment I started watching this, both of my dogs farted, horribly and without mercy.

In a sense, she is in an even worse place in my hate repertoire than Big Amy because at least I have vitriol for a Big Amy. Dunham, I rarely ever acknowledge and when I see media from or about her, I skip right over it without a thought.


Staged outrage. It's a wonder more people don't like her.

Just Lena Dunham and I, two gay men agaisnt the world...just two out and proud men who are very very gay.

That head nod before she starts talking, lmao

Come on guys give her a break.

Funny thing is, even IF she lost weight, that busted grill would keep her in the ugly camp.

LOL!!! and I love how she says "this is Lena Dunham" like he should have any fucking clue who she is...

the bad skin, the frumpy mouth, the pissy eyes. its a formula, big amy has the same things going for her. i wonder if crusty lena broke out into hives again after being cut off.

That machine quite literally just told her "WE HEARD YOU".

So douchy

The craziest thing about this is that Breitbart is a philo-Semitic outfit that doesn't talk about race.

This is all just a fever dream they're having involving guilt by association and 'dog-whistling'.

Can someone post another link but instagram? Blocked at work.

1) Thank you

2) What a fucking cunt lol. She just gets more and more killable.

....spelled. What am I a witch?

Thats how the unclean out themselves

I'm touching myself to the thought of this scenario.

A sucker punch and phone robbery from an amoral POC would be even better

