Blog defending Nick DiPaolo and bashing Wanda Sykes

0  2016-11-14 by StopApologizingUSA


No one cares about your blog

Literally all this guy does is write articles on his shitty blog and then advertise them on reddit for pageviews. Doesn't this sub have a rule about spam/advertisement shit?

Tss tss post this when you have an Alog or sumtin'

Fuck you and your blog.

It's a good thing you write about such original, controversial topics as "COLLEGE STUDENTS NEED TO STOP BEING CODDLED." Riveting stuff.

As others have said here, stop linking to your gay blog

Nick DiPaolo can defend himself.

Oddly enough I'm writing a blog defending Vos and bashing wondering kikes. It's bitter sweet.


it's 2016