I like Bill but what is he doing?

1  2016-11-14 by iWhereSchortSchorts


Who the fuck actually likes Bill Maher?

Even strict liberals should hate him because he's such a douche

I liked that religionless movie he did

Religulous, lol.


ME: I needed you today!!!

He's pretty damn funny and his 9/11 "joke" that got him kicked off tv gave him a pass in my book for life. Also he thinks all religions are stupid and doesn't pussyfoot around Islam like the rest of the (((media))). And he's pro gun.

pro gun? ya kidding?

He has a gun and he thinks the way liberals talk about guns is retarded but he also does think some extra laws are needed, without specifying what laws and what they would do.

What was the 911 joke?


Except for the fact he never touches on Judaism and he's supposedly an outspoken atheist, shit dick. Slandering Islam without touching on Judaism is well within the protocols of the (((media))).

Here's an idea, you don't want the FBI involved in the election? Don't nominate the only major party candidate in history that has an open Federal investigation for President.

They're mad that the media aren't as anti-Trump as they think they should be? LOL. Are you people fucking retarded?

Look at the shit this 4 star General got for lying to the FBI. Hillary got off and they say they're politicised in Trump's favor.

Gary Johnson 2020

Yep right after he figures out what Aleppo is.

Who is dis AL Eppo? AL Eppo for president 2020..

And stops speaking in tongues.

I'd let him speak in tongues on my dick

There's no "coup." If anything, it's just people reacting negatively to the left-wing agenda that's been forced down everyone's throats for the past decade. And how does he propose that the media "do their jobs?" By being even more biased?

These fucking progressives are so detached from the rest of the country that they honestly believe a Trump victory is something we didn't want

They're so stuck within the LA - NY lifestyle and social media illusion that they can't even fathom that the rest of the USA hates their guts

You have to admit that there's something very odd happening at the moment. First Brexit weakens Europe with it's loudest voice, Nigel Farage being an open supporter of Putin. Russia has been accused of funding right wing anti-EU parties accross Europe.

Now this shit with Trump, Putin & NATO is happening. You've got to admit that everything's coming up Vladhouse right now.

Sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but this shit's got to be taken seriously.

I can't believe the Red Scare tactic didn't work.

It's not like we put that shit to bed after the 50's.

Because 2 of the 3 military superpowers coming together to stop mucking up the works against each other would just be terrrrrible....

How is the FBI politized when it all went into hillarys favor? I can see the logic if she was actually charged, but the FBI read like 600,000 emails in like 2 days, if anything they were working in her favor and it still didn't help her.

Didn't they find some bad shit too though? Everybody should have known she wasn't going to jail.

WHO the fuck reads and posts links to HuffPost? Jesus Christ

Apparently since some users turned into some kind of /r/the_Donald offspring and we should all be staunch defenders of the conservative religous right wing for some shit reason.

At least it's not Gawker or Jezebel...

Which went out of business- good point!

It seems as if he is pulling a tactical misfire straight out of a 3-year-olds playbook. He's throwing a temper tantrum

So now he is becoming a conspiracy nut and saying Russia had something to do with the fact no one really wanted Hillary to win. Even most democrats didn't want her in. His party fucked this up giving her the nomination. He should focus his anger on them.

All Conservatives said was Obama wants to take their guns, Liberals are saying Trump wants to destroy the world.

'membah when Bill and his audience all laughed at Coulter when she said Trump would be the next president?

Yeaah, i 'membah..!

I think what he's referring to is an alleged pro-Trump contingent within the FBI that threatened Comey by saying they'd leak the new email stuff if Comey didn't publicly address it. Apparently Comey violated the rules and guidelines meant to prevent the FBI publicly addressing issues that are sensitive during the election.

"Coup" is obviously hyperbolic, but I think whatever your views on Trump and Clinton, you can agree that the FBI shouldn't be in the business of swaying elections.

Just like the attorney general should have been removed after that tarmav meeting with clinton while the investigation was going on

sources needed


He had the nerve to call what he does a comedy show?

A slow moving right wing coup? Guess he's missed the way the PC/SJW liberal agenda has slowly taken over America since the late 60's. And saying the Podesta e-mails are fake and made up by Russia. What a douchebag. There's been no definitive proof Russia was in contact with Trump, just Hillary and her loons spewing that accusation out. And WikiLeaks provided proof that the e-mails they released were authentic.


Hey Boo!

Awww little Billy needs a hug, crybaby .

Melodramatic poof needs to wipe his tears and sashay back into the closet.

"Russia created fake documents to interfere in the election."

Can the left wake up for one freaking second and realize that they rolled out a terrible candidate? Hillary was the weakest Democratic candidate in a generation. That's why she lost.

There is no conspiracy. There is no "slow moving Republican coup." She was awful and unlikable. The end.

His monologues are horrid. I liked Politically Incorrect (he had great guest combos). I watch both left and right leaning shows, so I do watch his show sometimes, and sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. I never tune in expecting comedy.

And stops speaking in tongues.

Who is dis AL Eppo? AL Eppo for president 2020..