all this talk about Amy Schumer has probably got you all feeling a bit down, here's a little something to lift the spirits around here and remind you all how wonderful you are

10  2016-11-14 by [deleted]



We get more press and buzz than Opie.

Which one of you fucks is Cole Delbyck?

He's each and every one of us

In death we have a name... his name was cole delbyck

His name was cole delbyck


You know this bitch is really ugly when Huf-Po couldn't find a better picture than that.

I was wondering where they managed to find a bald amy photoshop.

I love that their shitty fucking response was just "Gross"

That's how you know you've won

Edger even got in there. Perfect.

"The bravery displayed in this epic biopic made me soak thru my sweatpants..."

"Lena Dunham is fat" that has nothing to do with the book at all. Why would somebody write that? Lol

So Huf-Po is attempting to fight this sub by giving the sub more attention. Way to try to put out the fire by spraying it with gas...

Haha they called Opie and Anthony obsolete.

A man write that? He also wrote 'can we not?'
