Trump's Amerikkka

5  2016-11-13 by jokopolis

So I was just at the gym and some muslim Latino gay guy wearing a MAGA hat just bent me over and fingered my ass while saying "let me grab that Boi pucci!!!" This is #trumpsamerikkka #endthehate


it's as if you literally just shit all over your keyboard

It's like he literally just shit all over my fucking monitor

Check your privilege

He was whispering that into my ear as well...

Trump said disparaging things about Mexicans, even though he was mostly referring to illegal immigrants. He wants to curb middle eastern/Muslim immigration for obvious reasons. He makes locker room talk about women that could be taken as legitimately offensive, and his stance on abortion should indeed ruffle feathers. Im no fan of the guy, I'm a Trump tolerator at best, certainly not a "supporter."

For this he's labeled "Misogynistic, xenophobic, racist, and homophobic." I constantly hear homophobic thrown in there. Has he ever said a disparaging thing about the gay? Or is it just like "We have all the other 'phobic's' in there, why not throw homo in there too, put that one on the tab."

I'm virulently anti-Trump, and I agree on the homophobic point. People could stretch it with his selection of Pence, but that still doesn't damn the man as a homophobe.

Wow. Sweet made up, never happened, will never happen, pile of lies. Good one shitbird.

Are you victim blaming right now?

Don't trigger me

Oh I dunno, I suspect he's had quite a few men finger his ass in his lifetime and will have lots more in the future.

Nice , hope it went well.

That shit got me hard bro. Thanks, I needed that in these tough times.

NY Sport's Club?

It's Trumpin Amerikka.

Be more funny!

This probably sounded funnier in your head. And if that's the case, Bud Dwyer yourself.

Some national socialist trump supporters just rounded up all the jews in my neighborhood and stuffed them in to an easy bake oven.


And then everybody slow clapped it out and nodded respectfully towards you.

my mom made a trending hashtag I am genuinely surprised!