Tits feels responsible for UFC's success

21  2016-11-13 by logcabinboys


He truly does most things just because he expects a favor in return.

If he helped someone across the street he'd ask them for a fivespot for his courtesy.

"Just a little taste"

Yeah I remember when they booted out Norm Macdonald to make way for Brock Lesner the faggots.

Maybe he should pay for them like any normal millionaire would. What an embarrassment.

Jimmy works for the official ufc podcast and was very close to not getting a ticket. He asked for like the past two months on the podcast to be Matts plus 1. Now that would of been fucking hilarious if he would of been denied a ticket.

"Look, I'm not trying to start anything with J.J. Abrams..."

Because all UFC fighters should think about how to get Opie, a millionaire, in to the event for free.

Jimmy almost didn't get tickets and he works for the UFC. This was the largest gate in MSG history. That means that these tickets were sought after unlike Opie doing radio before people stop drinking coffee.

Opie is so out of touch with reality. I bet he doesn't even have fighters on anymore now that he has his own show. I think it costs like 50k for cageside seats.

Also Opie shoots a basketball like Conor McGregor.

Ant feels the same way about Opie.

He called Nate Diaz, Nate Davis after UFC 196

Made room? Jimmy probably begged to have UFC guys on. They're the most boring people on the planet, but Jimmy was a good soldier. I hope Jamba Juice refuses to serve him his bitch cocktails, too.

What a faggot.

His first two words say everything

'We had all those ufc guys in. Now they forget about us like everyone else? Am I right Vic?"

I wish they just threw Opie into the cage with one of those animals.

I don't know who this well developed chest man is

The UFC, JJ Abrams, Howard Stern, Opie was the big part of success for all of these people.

"Look I'm not trying to start anything with the UFC."