Wonder what his position would be if Hillary won and Trump had popular vote.

0  2016-11-12 by Mr702law


Michael Moore is competing with CK for most insufferable cunt of the year.

That fat lesbian is just angry someone chopped the end off his big trump speech and made it sound super pro trump

Powerful message.

Like when blamed an elderly demented actor for the murder of a little girl.

"This is her picture, mr Hest.... oh wait my hair, and gimme the tear vapor stuff....ok....ACTION! This is her picture...."

Micheal Moore...why isn't he Gary Less or sumthing tsss

I thought the popular vote wasn't yet decided? I read that somewhere on Facebook that two states have yet to count the popular vote. No idea if it's correct though

It doesn't matter now, it's part of liberal lure. Like when the New York Times investigated the 2000 Florida recount and found Bush really did win Florida. To this day they say Bush cheated in the state.

And Clinton won't recount because of the fraud they already committed getting exposed.

Trump just has to kill the power to the escalator to keep that fat fuck out.

Diabetes will soon take this man

I despise Hillary. I think she should have stepped aside herself when Bernie Sanders was clearly robbed of the nomination. She took her party down in flames because she believed it was simply her time in the spotlight.

I'm also not a fan of Moore, but he's been pretty spot on about the election: Trump won because the people in the swing states are tried and angry. Most votes for Trump were middle fingers to the system. It feels good to be destructive in the moment, but not so much down the road when we've picked someone who doesn't know how to actually fix anything that's been destroyed.

Unless Trump is pulling a seriously brilliant scheme, he's not going to be able to make good on a fraction of what his eclectic supporters want to see.

Evangelicals will have a president who is thrice divorced and not exactly a celebrated theist. Republicans will soon be lead by a man who has been Democrat almost all his life. The Trump daughter is so obviously a staunch liberal that I'm amazed his base has celebrated the first family so fervently.

Moore is obnoxious, but he isn't wrong. I doubt that he'd be the hypocrite that you're looking for if it was the other way around. Only the dumbest of the Trump supporters I know actually think the electoral vote is fair. Most are happy it happened but can acknowledge that this is basically a sham.

The EC was a stroke of genius. Without the electoral college the country would split apart. No one would tolerate having the entire political system dominated by California and New York. If you guys want to secede have fun. But please look up picture of Atlanta and Richmond circa 1864/5 to see the likely outcome of such a decision. Oh and BTW, Im sure companies would have loved to set up and expand factories and office space in a nation governed by an ancient socialist. especially with this tax plan : http://election2016.taxpolicycenter.org/2016/03/25/voxs-new-presidential-tax-calculator/

Thank God there are people like you that know more than the founding fathers. The electoral college was put into the constitution exactly because it is fair. Straight democracy is rule by mob. A democratic republic gives a voice to the minority.

Every Presidential candidate plans their campaign around getting enough electoral college votes to win. That's all the talk about what "path" who has to the win. If it were a straight democratic election, they would have campaigned differently. Can't change the rules in the middle of the game and the electoral college will never go away because it's a Constitutional provision.

Fair or not, you debate that between elections.

Fair or not, you debate that between elections.

The EC was a stroke of genius. Without the electoral college the country would split apart. No one would tolerate having the entire political system dominated by California and New York. If you guys want to secede have fun. But please look up picture of Atlanta and Richmond circa 1864/5 to see the likely outcome of such a decision. Oh and BTW, Im sure companies would have loved to set up and expand factories and office space in a nation governed by an ancient socialist. especially with this tax plan : http://election2016.taxpolicycenter.org/2016/03/25/voxs-new-presidential-tax-calculator/

Thank God there are people like you that know more than the founding fathers. The electoral college was put into the constitution exactly because it is fair. Straight democracy is rule by mob. A democratic republic gives a voice to the minority.

Every Presidential candidate plans their campaign around getting enough electoral college votes to win. That's all the talk about what "path" who has to the win. If it were a straight democratic election, they would have campaigned differently. Can't change the rules in the middle of the game and the electoral college will never go away because it's a Constitutional provision.