I watched the Bert Kreischer special

52  2016-11-12 by Mr702law

I like Bert. I know many get annoyed by him. But I like him because he's a fanboy and also a very genuine, good dude. Of all the comedians in the O and A world, he is most likely to have a beer with you if you spotted him out and said hello.

The special is not bad. He closes with the machine story so if you've heard that before then probably skip that. The rest is some dad stuff but he makes it decent. Not the best special I have ever seen but it is watchable.

On the machine story: many mock it as completely unbelievable. I have a friend who is Russian (born here though) and is same age as Bert. My friend studied abroad a semester in Moscow almost the same time Bert was there. I sent him a clip of the Machine story last year. He called me immediately and laughed and said "that absolutely could be true. That's exactly how it was there at that time ". I'm not saying he didn't put some on it for the story, but it could be more true than some give him credit for.

I'm expecting downvotes.


You seem like the type of guy that would laugh at a straight-to-DVD "American Pie" sequel.

No. but I was pleasantly surprised by Reunion.


There goes all credibility, canceling my torrent.


I am the same age as the original movie so I guess I liked seeing them at 30 something show the 18 year olds what's up. Member berries.


Try some happiness. The sun is out. Birds are chirping. Not everything sucks.

I take Vitamin D supplements.

Wont see that sun no more

D for dick haha. Your supplement is cum.

wow, how can he recover from THAT?

fawkin KILLED em tss

Fuckin a dude, deleting my account now

Fuckin a dude

Taking your supplement now I see.

This is really not going well

Amazing how these "I watched..." posts sound like rape victim experiences on this sub.

And then he turned the tv on..... sniff I'm sorry.. I just feel so helpless.

And then Louie came on his face


This first I've been disappointed that a post didn't end in peckahs.

Bert gets unnecessary hate, he's fine and usually gets some inside baseball whenever he talks to the b-b-boys

Bert's stand-up is unwatchable, but I discovered him like 5 years ago on Rogan's podcast when he told that Machine story the first time. That was genuinely funny, but aside from that, he's just a goofy drunk that's friends with a lot of comics.

His Bert the conqueror show is good. Mostly him screaming like a woman on thrill rides

Well, I don't wanna let you down. Downvoted.

I don't like comedy specials very much by even my favorite comics. They feel watered down and overly rehearsed and just...obligatory. I hardly ever watch specials.

That's basically the same reason Leno have when he was asked why he doesn't do specials of his own.

I love Leno. (I hated the Tonight Show, but I love him)

I think Lenos rationale on specials was he wanted the people who come to see him to not have seen his material anywhere.

I liked Attell's Road Work, otherwise I agree. Definitely would prefer more in that style, where it gives you the feeling of actually being at a show

How does it compare to Joe Rogan's special Triggered?

Slightly better


Bert is not a great standup, he's a life-of-the party guy. Rogan did him a disservice when he told Bert to focus on his storytelling, in his act. Rogan's act works because there are a lot of closeted alpha males that feel connected to him and a lot of potheads, that feel the same. He's a phenom, in that sense. If Bert is serious about comedy, he should move back to NY and hang out with the likes of Attell and Quinn.

I enjoy Bert's fuck-in-a-can story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JteK-fdOWTs

This illustrates why Bert is funny. He's telling a story quietly because he's worried his wife will hear. All the while this is being recorded and made public.

Bert rules.

You described it as decent and watchable. Quite the fitting endorsement.

Can someone torrent this shit? How stupid are you to release a special were only Americans can watch it? Why not just release it on his own website like podcast shit?


No. you watch too much tv. Every lawyer is not an ambulance chaser. Some of us defend the Anthony Cumias of the world.

What do you do for a living, character?


How many minutes did he fake-bray-like-a-donkey-laugh at his own hilarious joke he was about to tell?

Bert has told the story in front of a couple of his classmates before, and they disagreed with him on a couple of the details, I think he said he even changed his story a little because he thought they were correct and he misremembered.

The only part of the story I find unbelievable is Bert starting to understand what they were saying to him when they were robbing the dining car.

Yeah I do recall now that you mention it that the teacher I think says this pretty much happened exactly as told.


bert must be constipated, cause he's certainly full of shit! XD


I wish you were full of bullets

I wish you were full of my seed, cutie

I like Bert, but he doesn't have jokes, he relies on his stories and they have been getting significantly worse. I watched his special last night and it was mostly about his kids, if you aren't already a fan of his it would be mostly unwatchable.

So you came here to tell us a special is "watchable"? Thank you for your service.

I like Bert...seems like a cool dude

Let me guess he takes his shirt off

As far as I know he does the whole special with his shirt off. I mean that quite literally, he said it on his podcast, and the showtime pictures are all with his shirt off except at the beginning.

Bert's just a good dude. I feel like people who hate on him have only heard him on one podcast and don't really know what he's about.


his bit about his daughter's safe word from strangers is fucking hilarious. and if you listen to his podcast enough, you realize his youngest daughter is literally exactly how he explains her.

He's told it a few times but his bit about how he believes in time travel and has always been fascinated by it and one day she approaches and says "daddy do you believe people from the future can come back?" And he's like YES! Yes Isla, I do! Waiting for her to say she's from the future. And she just mumbles something and walks off.

whats the machine story?

YouTube it

guess ill never know

It's like I said.

He's not the worst, BY FAR. He's funny from time to time when hes reacting to burr 'n shit.

Who the fuck cares if he's a nice guy. Is he your friend or are you hanging out with him ever? Patrice was probably a complete ass but at least he made you laugh.

Whether or not someone is genuine comes into play when I consider whether I like them. Sorry, I'm human.