Possibly my favourite series of tweets from the aftermath of Trump's win.

20  2016-11-12 by jellyravel23


I guessed full bush on this crazy bitch, I feel vindicated.

full bush = lack of will to live

Look at that soft unscarred by life face, perfect for mushing into a pillow

She comes across as a classic case of /r/iamverysmart

It is fucking crazy that all these people on the left were haranguing Trump for not being ready to accept the result of the election, and shouting about how it would damage democracy itself, then Hillary loses and now they're all hashtagging #NotMyPresident. It's like they're mentally ill or something

Because all women voted for Hillary because she's a woman too, right? In reality, at least 40% of women voted for Trump, but when you're sexist and don't know it I guess you assume everyone else is.

wow, what a cunt

Sometimes I really think Hollywood is babylon... rastafari mon

Her mans is one hell of an actor but they're both obviously Hollywood weirdos would be my guess