Schumer Old Navy Commercial - Oscar-Winning Makeup Artist Rick Baker couldn't paint your face thin

8  2016-11-12 by crookedmile


Don't buy these clothes. Tested on animals.

For animals

I saw this on FB. Commented that Old Navy was showing they carry size FAT. The fucking hate I got from fat chick's was unprecedented.

Don't worry there's a safe space for you here.

Right at the end, she shoots a glance at a plate full of bratwursts she plans to abscond with later.

It's like if Mick Foley had another son

ignoring the Amy hate, this is objectively an awful commercial.

What? You didnt enjoy that super natural dialogue?


That commercial was shot over a yr ago. She's 100 pounds heavier in the face alone.

"Oh look at us we're twinsies!!! Oh yeah we are Amy! Except your outfit is about 8 sizes bigger than mine!!"


I'm going to shoplift these clothes just like Fat Amy did.

I've never wanted to see someone yelling Ali akbar so much in my life
