Anyone else's facebook feed full of narcissistic and morally condescending Clinton fans saying things like "Guess I'm moving to Canada"?

3  2016-11-12 by [deleted]



Just goes to show you that facebook is for women and dullards. Just delete it. Are you really gonna miss some vaguely familiar idiot's pictures of their hike last week?

Literally only have Facebook to communicate with female family members and cyberstalk ex-girlfriends.

and ta play wit ya fawkin PECKAH rite?

dvv dvv

I use it for that, and also to see which of my classmates have feet pics on their profiles :P

Tell them to message George Soros and ask money for the flight to Cananda

Facebook... what are you, 12?

Also wants ketchup with his fries I'm guessin. Again just a guess. No judgement zone.

I'm glad most of us got the reference.. this guy below didn't and know he's ready to fight the world

Don't tell anyone.


It was a Florentine reference, you stupid idiot.


Of course he's shit. That's part of the reference. I can't believe you took such a dumb misunderstanding and figured out a way to turn everyone against you like that.


Dude are you alright?


No I'm serious. We bust balls here constantly but try not to take it personally. I hope you are okay dude.


You can start by listening to Florentines comedy metal midgets podcast ... oof I cringed typing that


Eww, you're a catty little faggot, aren't you?

He's hypersensitive due to constant rejection by females he thought were his friend.

Oh no

Let's get Ann on /r/opieananthony and get these 2 lovebirds together.


She chose death over your friendship, stupid.



This whole thing started because you were so thin-skinned that you got cunty at someone making a crack about you using facebook, don't act now like you can "take a ribbing like one of the guys".


Keep spinning, faggot, we all know what "it doesn't bother me" means


Ugh, you're even terrible at defending yourself. Make like your dead friend and kill yourself.





I cringe every time I see "oof".


Because they're really effete and think a petition and a Twitter hashtag makes a goddamned difference and implies that people give a shit about what they think.

Hillary embodied them well.


No, because I'm Canadian. Instead, my friends are praying for our neighbors and hoping their wounds can heal. Fucking cunts.

I, for one, am just gosh darn thankful we can find solace through our friends/heroes on social media in these tough and divisive times <3

it'll be hilarious when they move and still have the same shit lives. or when they realize we have immigration policies

Its a gals/men without balls hen-pecking club. Why bother. "look at my car, look at my vacation, look at my kids, LOOK ONE MAN WILL DESTROY THE WORLD AND ENSLAVE US ALL IN MACYS COLLECTION TIE FACTORIES.... comon fam. Stay healthy and keep off that shit.

Canada to close it's border to Faggots.

I'm glad most of us got the reference.. this guy below didn't and know he's ready to fight the world