Azealia Banks on Trump: 'I Am TRULY Inspired by This and Feel Deep Amounts of Vindication'

55  2016-11-12 by bobomobile


"She had Pharrell old jiminy criket looking a-- up there with his sambo hat on going hard in the paint. B--ches was not in formation. Hillary even tried to say she had HOT SAUCE IN HER BAG. She even pulled out all of the most typical s--t and still lost."

I think I'm in love

I'm a white as fuck English anglo saxon but she's right. When that cunt brought out the hot sauce on that radio show and did the "I ain't in no ways tired" speech years ago, every black person should have recognised her as the condescending enemy of their people that she is. Amy Schumer was right, Hillary really does think black people are retarded.

Amy was right, but Hillary was right too.

Is this English?

It's an off-shoot called Ebonics.

I forgot what Jiminy Cricket looked like so I had to look him up.

Holy shit was she spot on.

"America deserves a WAAAAAAAAY better first female president then trash ass Hillary," How can this psycho bitch see that and not other women?

I think it's a generational thing. There was some poll done a while ago where it showed that women over like 50 think you need to take any chance you get to vote for a woman so they'll line up for somebody like Hillary but girls under thirty who think they'll see 10 more elections in their lifetime would rather wait for a good female president than just vote for any female that's thrown in front of them.

There was some poll done a while ago

It's not a bad hypothesis overall, but I'm kinda done trusting polls now.

This poll was done back when polls were real. Before this election ever happened. We were still riding on the backs of all of the polls being right from 2012... those were the days.

They skewed the polls on purpose to make it look like she was winning the whole time. The la times poll was one of the few that was acurate since they used the same sample group every day.

Not to mention that most of the polls were done by people who were monetarily involved with the clinton campaign.

Well I think it had a lot to do with confirmation bias. I think a lot of the major polling agencies talked with each other when they got results that seemed crazy like "look at this.. Trump is up kinda big in PA... but isn't that supposed to be Hillary?" so they probably agreed that it was some data error and they removed whatever it was making Trump look like he was winning because they assumed it was incorrect and since they all agreed to remove whatever data-point it was that was making the polls skew away from Hillary (and be legit) they basically made a pact to all go down together. Either they'll all be right or they'll all be wrong. I don't think it was necessarily malevolence because the polls showing Hillary up by so much certainly made for people staying home. Even people who hated Trump might decide to vote third party or not vote at all since they figured Hillary is gonna win anyways. If the polls were showing her down 2 points I think more people would have voted.

100 percent they shot themselves in the dick.

It's not just confirmation bias, they purposely oversampled democrates in order to make her more popular. In reality, no one was excited for Hillary, her rallys needed A list performers to get people to show up and even then the place emptied out before she spoke.

Add to that the media whoring oit every last piece of integrity and partiality it had. Now they act suprised that after all the bullshit, sound clip edits, leaked tapes, leaked taxes, false assault claims, and all the other straight out lies, he might not let these assholes follow him night and day and fly on the plane.

But do they? Really? Nah Clinton is what a women in absolute power becomes. See Queens of Britian for reference

Probably 3 of the 5 best British monarchs have been women- Elizabeth I, II and Victoria. Also Margaret Thatcher was arguably one of the better prime ministers of the 20th century. Clinton's just useless, charmless and corrupt. Her gender is not the issue.

Watch the 212 video and try to tell me you don't want to fuck her mouth. What a cute little negress.

Cock-a-lickin' in the water by the blue bayou Caught the warm goo In your du-rag too son? Nigga, you’re a kool-aid dude Plus your bitch might lick it

I guess that cunt getting eaten


You obviously didn't watch the video.

Sorry was quoting Fez because of your name.

I was just kidding.

She's got some lingering "dindu" and "we was kings" opinions, but I think with the right persuasion we are the only people who can turn her into a socially acceptable Hitler.

That's Tila Tequila bit.

And? We can hijack it, build her up, and then make them fight! Like dogs.

I like the way you think.

How should we begin? Any ideas? We should make a thread to organize and just start slipping in confirmation bias on her posts until we rile her to take a stand against "the banks."

Milk did that body good, muthaphuckaz.

No african pancake titties, those girls perky as can be. total babe.

She added, "They said Katy and Gaga was backstage crying I would have laughed real hard and loud right in their faces."

I fucking love her. Even with da blacks, the down-low right leaners are always cuter and cooler.

She fought with Ant on Twitter a couple months before her account was suspended. Regardless, the two actually have a fair amount in common: distaste for the liberal media, supported Trump, and they both have zero impulse control on social media.

ALSO: She's a black woman and he follows around black women at 3 am

Perfect. cant wait for her to be invited to Anthonys Christmas party where the cops might make another appearance !

I think we have found a black woman for anthony

Naw, she has no dick.

Jesus I haven't even left work yet, been laughing my ass off on here all day

Based Nigress.

The liquorice bitch

Part of me thinks she will be Black Milo, the other half wants to stab her poohole.

It's her "porkflower". be polite.



Azealia is a good egg

This girl is bonkers but glad she actually remained consistent.

Barbadian girls are dumb.

Bard girls are dumber.


I don't know how to feel about totally agreeing with her...

Azealia Banks is a crybaby bitch who cried because she thought the "whites" are stealing hiphop from the black community like they stole everything else.

Fuck that racist bitch, idgaf if she magically turned Republican