obese turd who always have the right opinion, unchallenged in his safe space

0  2016-11-11 by Hunter_Cumia


Sure Ron has some annoying qualities, but he did great radio and that's all we really ask for here. An honest days wage, a container of coffee, and a good radio program. I get that and just let the head mukity muks do the complaining.

he fat tho

I bet you're fatter.

That's how I envision someone fatter than me would say, but I won't say you are fatter than the man in the picture because it's quite impossible

Have you seen Roland?

Light weight compares to rnf

Nope, sorry bud. Still cant touch Ronnie B. Just fuck off.

You write about as well as you think

And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 

Wha happened? wha happened?

I want Fez back.Lose the kid she STINKS.....

What the fuck are you on about?

Recent events have his bloodlust up and he needs to attack cucks, libtards, leftards, and pc sjw pinkos to satiate the thirst.

Clinton left a bad taste in my mouth

Jeffery Gurian is a bit that was stolen from Patrice.

Why ya hatin on Ronnie?

if hating means telling him its ok to be this big, then pepper "Mr P" the P.ster aka the P man aka the pepe aka hicks aka sick hick aka chrisy chris aka stanley the super stan the S man is the real hater here

Hes pretty disgusting to look at

Next target?

long overdue

You'll need to be more subtle... Use alt accounts to create a perception that there is a growing sense of unhappiness with him. This post is too much, too soon.

Is he conservative?

He's more like the kool kat that say all politician are crooked there is no point of voting etc

That's Ron, Fez lives in FLA now with his mom.

Be careful you get downvoted around here for less.

I shit on Sarah Silverman and got downvoted, I hate to see what happens to you.

This place is the new safe space I guess.

Shut up, stupid. You get downvoted when people disagree with your opinion. Go be butthurt that you got downvoted in a REAL safe space like an SJW sub, you twat.

i quite enjoy it actually and thats kind of the whole purpose of this thread lol

trying to keep the fatpeoplehate theme going gang

Have you seen Roland?