Less guests please? (Unless they are comedians).

29  2016-11-11 by Acatalepsia

And I don't give a hoot about UFC.


Agreed. Hope they get Dan Soder back in soon. The first time he was on during the Jim & Sam "test shows" days was one of the best they've done so far.

I met Dan after one of his shows and he said he couldn't wait to do Sam and Jim. He was super cool and talked with people for like an hour.

you suck his cock?

I'll suck your cock FAGGOT

Let's go behind the bins

That's good to see that he's a good fella



Crying hysterical porn star from last show was a vibe killer, Jim. Enough with the porn stars they ALL have daddy issues and they ALL have been sexually assaulted somehow, we get it.

personally I love hearing underground 'celebs' wax poetic about whatever stupid crap they're selling. more guests please!


Language, language, this is my house!

I'm fucking sick of hearing comedians talk on podcasts and radio shows.

I only like them on Bennington because Ron knows how to interview

I don't care about hearing them talk about "the art of comedy" for the thousandth time. Self fart smelling motherfuckers.


If you want to strictly listen to Jim and Sam talk to each other for 3 hours a day you are a giant fucking tool.

I'd rather hear them talk to each other instead of Bruce Buffer.

Seriously, guests like him should be taken out back and shot in the liver.

Probably the worst guest so far. I nearly passed out from boredom listening to him drone on about UFC garbage talk.

I said less not none.