Fucking seriously? Are you that hurt that you need our constitution to change because you need a fucking hugbox?

1  2016-11-11 by AntsCamera


This is the first time in US history where people cried over an election

There was whining with GW Bushes re- election, the racist righties threw a shit fit over Obama, but they did not destroy private property.

This shit is digusting, and it is all college kids, whos parents paid for everything, and always had what they wanted.

What happens to these kids when the hiring manager says no. I don't like that shit you call jewelry in your nose, and the tatoo on your neck scares away clients.

They never been told no, and they always had a safe room they can run to where they are safe!!!

Is that discrimination?

If the people who opposed Obama's election in '08 could use a computer that might've gone differently.

No. Righies dont march and whine nearly as much as lefties