Can someone torrent Bert Kreischers new special? The dummy only have it on Showtime aka only US.

0  2016-11-11 by pabbseven

I want to see how it is. Joes werent too bad even though some of it were horseshit. I like me some Bert.


Move to the US, third-world faggot

There is currently a gross over-saturation of Bert that has to stop.

What do you mean?

You know what he means.

Leave it alone

So u can watch him take his shirt off and tell the machine story again

Check piratebay tomorrow, it'll probably be up there

Isn't there a more humanitarian manner to torture someone than to subject them to Bert Kreischer's "comedy"?

Bert is gordo

I just found out about him yesterday... Not everyone is as In the loop as others. Let us have our fun