Obama President Naah!! (13/11/08) - 8 years ago when the Ant thought Obama would ruin america.

28  2016-11-11 by Drmacaroon


Ant's downfall can be tied back to Obama being elected. He couldn't help himself.

2008 fucked him up but 2012 sent him over the edge. I haven't watched his show and I don't follow him on twitter but I assume he's mocking people for having a fraction of the outrage he had over Obama getting elected.

He can't even begin to see a comparison between the left shitting their pants now, and HIM acting the way he did in 08 and 12.

His evolution on Trump was so great on embarrassing. He went from talking about what a joke he was, to "it's a protest vote" to he's going to MAGA. Lol. He's a perfect fucking party stooge.

His hypocrisy is hilarious. He's everything he hates (except black). Probably explains a lot about him now that I think about it.

(except black)

He ain't white

I agree I was listening to an old Ron and Fez show where east side Dave went drinking with Anthony and shows up to work drunk. And Anthony was telling everyone how he was mortified at drunk Dave saying all sorts of racist shit. I was taken back and was thinking this is the same guy?

This is readily apparent as you go through the Patrice YT archive.

Ant is just like these rioting assholes, who never took a civics class or has any idea how our government works.

Obama had to get his shit past congress and the house, just like Trump will have to.

There are assholes who think Trump can wake up at 3 am with chip on his shoulder and just nuke someone for fun.

I used to have to take civics class, and learned about our checks and balances. I suppose that got lost in Obamas common core bullshit? Do they even teach constitution and civics to schoolkids anymore?

If they did we wouldn't have this left wing violence.

My Facebook feed is full of people saying Trump will kill all gays, blacks, hispanics on day 1 while simultaneously eliminating social security, welfare, and any kind of government assistance. For one, you have to be a complete idiot if you think Trump advocates any of those things. And second of all there are three branches of government.

Trump campaigned on saving SSI, medicare etc.

No one protesting actually listened to him, they just reacted like what Samantha Bee, Colbert, and Huffington post told them exactly how they should.

Riots, people being robbed and put into the hospital like the tape I saw this morning.

And Trump people are intolerant?

that is the whiteboy that voted for Trump!


It's one video, calm down. You're like the people who posted the vid of the 12 year old being shot and proclaimed that all cops are murderers.

Most black people don't give a shit and 1/3 of them can't vote anyways.

If that was his platform I might've voted for him.

The difference is that the republicans basically control everything now, so there could actually be some changes. Still won't really affect anyone though.

But the party claims to not like or support Trump. Have to wait and see. But it's much more satisfying to speculate wildly months before he even takes office.

Obama didn't round people up and send them to the FEMA death camps. George W. Bush didn't draft everyone's kids and ship them off to fight his oil wars. Reagan didn't start a war with the Soviets. You can debate how well these men did their jobs until the sun burns out, but the world was still spinning when they left office.

FEMA camps?

Those exist! Thermite fucking paint and chemtrails you niggerdly asshole, I seen it.

I am a governor and Navy seal, thank me for my service faggot!

Do they even teach constitution and civics to schoolkids anymore?

Yes, they do.

Are they actually graded on it? Or is it tied in with gym class and not taken seriously?

If it was taught people would understand our system and not be scared of Trump. he has to go through the people before he does anything fucking nutty, If not we will fucking impeach him.

That is how we roll, we are not all of a sudden a tinpot dictatorship because some guy who paints himself orange won.

Shut up stupid. do you have any idea how easily subverted checks and balances are when you have the house, senate, and presidency? fuck off and google reconciliation in congress.

Obama came into office with dems in control of both houses and a lot more popular support then Trump or Hillary could've ever hoped for, and look how that worked out for him.

Not only did Obama have the majority in the House, but he had a super majority in the Senate. Which meant they could stop a filibuster. And he still barely got anything accomplished. However, I am concerned with the executive orders. I feel like Trump might abuse that.

Again, this is largely due to the fact democrats were not as aggressive as they should've been. Republicans won't try to reach across the aisle, like democrats did.

This is because democrats thought they could try appeasement and reach across the aisle. That did not work. Eventually, he just had to force things through on his own. Republicans don't go for appeasement. Again, please know what you're talking about before you talk about it.

Who knows? At least we don't have to worry about any kids being taught sex ed or evolution anymore.

Ant doesn't know much about politics, or anything else.

Ant has some technical knowledge of planes and the menial aspects of AC installation.

He's pretty knowledgeable for a drop out

Not really.

I always thought this story was Bull Spit.

That's cause it one hundred percent was

rot bung

Eight years later and I still remember this almost word for word. His greatest rant ever

Any story at ever told about any interaction with a black person on the street is bullshit. If he ever yelled anything out his window the window was roller up. And he probably didn't move his lips when he spoke

There's a clip of Ant bragging about how he thinks it's funny to stick his camera in a woman's face when he's out on the streets because he thinks it's funny. But yeah, he's the victim of a savage. Not the drunk guy with a pistol wandering the streets fucking with people.

ant here is almost as bad as the left crying this week, the world didnt end and it wont end now.

Thought? Obama fucked a ton of shit up, which is the very reason we elected an unthinkable joke candidate, mainly because he showed that black hack zero respect and said the right things.

Obama having a drone kill list makes him ok in my book.

Now I been listening on the radio

To what’s goin’ down on the O & A show

Obama’s got Anthony’s knickers in a twist

Something about the tax and the guns in his fist

In guessin’ and bettin’ they gonna take Ant’s guns away

Robbin’ the rich for the black man’s better day

That’s just crazy if you think for a sec

Now why the fuck would I want Anthony’s check?

Unless I’m gettin’ a Shelby, a chick to smell me

A sweet radio show, yeah that would sell me

But am I getting’ paid?

And how!

Obama President Naaah!

He did ruin America.


Job growth for 73 straight months and the economy (when adjusted for inflation) is 15% bigger than when he took office. But kids at college are so liberal therefor Obama ruined America. The whole "he's coming for our guns! and we're gonna be rounded up into FEMA camps! and he's instituting a standing army against America!" and all of that dystopian shit never happened but ya still gotta say he ruined America cause "everyone gets a trophy now!!"

in 4/8 years when the USA still has muslims, mexicans, no wall, i wonder what bullshit president beyonce or president bruce willis will use to get elected.

I already saw MSNBC saying that the Democrats should seriously consider trying to get Oprah to run in 4 years.

Conservatism used to be simple disagreements about policy. It's really taken a turn for the conspiratorial in recent years.

It's really disappointed and disenchanted me with the GOP over the last few years. Seeing the Alt Right gain ascendance over traditional conservatism has really stretched the limits of my loyalty. And the GOP in many ways fed the beast by encouraging the worst Obama conspiracy shit for political expediency. A recent Foreign Affairs article really explains why it's a losing game:


"History also shows that conservatives should be particularly wary of embracing right-wing populists. Mainstream Republicans who make bogus claims about voter fraud, rigged elections, and the questionable patriotism and nationality of President Barack Obama in order to appeal to the extremist fringes are playing an extremely dangerous game, since such rhetoric fans citizens’ fear and distrust of their politicians and institutions, thus undermining their faith in democracy itself. And just like their interwar counter­parts, these conservatives are also likely enhancing the appeal of politicians who have little loyalty to the conservatives’ own policies, constituencies, or institutions."

May I juggle your nuts, sir? Spot on in every way.

The growth in the economy has been very artificial. It has been created through quantitative easing, and just massive amounts of printing money. Which will cause a lot of problems in the future. It has created bubbles in so many areas in the economy. And most of the wealth that has been created has only gone to the rich. The lower income workers have not had an increase in their quality of life.

Quantitative easing has been something we have done since the Federal Reserve was instituted. That isn't Obama's master plan to destroy America. Poor people weren't getting more money under Bush either so, again, that isn't Obama destroying America. What happened was a mostly unremarkable presidency. Things got slightly better overall. The only shit that got "worse" is people FEEL like things are worse cause so many liberals are marching around doing liberal stuff. At the end of the day my paycheck has increased every year. My healthcare plan is still covered by the company I work for. Maybe that's just my white privilege shining thru though. If this was a Republican in office the people who are saying "Obama ruined America in 8 years" would be saying he took America out of recession and job growth has been consistent.

I didn't say Obama destroyed America. I was just arguing with your overly optimistic prognosis of Obama's impact on the economy. I personally think Obama was a slightly above average President. I trust him a lot more than I trust Hillary or Trump.

Don't be so modest. He's a piece of shit.

I'm Colombian and have felt the same white privilege you have. My salary has doubled since Obama took office and my healthcare is covered 100% by my employer. White privilege, I mean getting a college education, is a wonderful thing.

Jesus you better not go around identifying yourself as Colombian or you're gonna lose all of that.


Job growth for 73 straight months and the economy (when adjusted for inflation) is 15% bigger than when he took office.

The other side of this story is that job growth has was not been evenly distributed over the country, many areas have seen wages stagnating or even declining for the last two decades, and that many people in those areas are stuck in low- or no-skill jobs that are increasingly being automated or outsourced. Those areas saw high voter turnout, most of it for Trump.

Most liberals eschew classical economics, but they'll happily trot out statistics about national job growth and GDP when Obama's performance is criticized. The reality is that a bigger economy does not mean everyone is better off. The traditionally liberal view (which seems to be slipping by the wayside) is that the role of the government is to ensure everyone benefits from a growing economy. Obama has absolutely failed at that, and those parts of the country that he failed made their voices heard at the ballot.

Obama didn't ruin the country, but he didn't do a good job of getting back on track. Perhaps he was a victim of circumstance, but I doubt he'll have an enduring legacy as an economic manager.

The people protesting after the elections arnt liberal, theyre socialist

Please give us the insider info only your retarded eyes can see! Stop greedily hiding away your shining insights into the true nature of reality!

Madam, I've been reading your post history. I LOVE YOU! You are like grumpy cat!

I just want to know are you a satire of angry-uninformed-Internet-lady...or legit being honest?

Anywho...keep shining you crazy diamond! You've won a fan today.

Liberals recognize legal elections. Socialists whine because they didt get their way

Well that's the most literal use of the No True Scotsman fallacy I've ever seen haha. What terrible reasoning.

Theres an awful lot of red flags (with hammer and sickle) they have for being liberals

Socialism is a liberal ideology. You literally cannot be a socialist and not be liberal. I can't imagine how such a simple reality escaped your cutting insight.

Thats twisting shit. Thats like saying atilla the hun was conservative


No it's exactly like saying socialism is a liberal ideology, because it is.

What kind of liberal? There be many kinds, madam.

A liberal socialist. It's amazing how this has to be spelled out for you haha.

What about "classical liberal"? Have you ever heard of such a thing?

As we've already proven here you're the one who knows nothing about what the term liberal means, so that's a pretty odd thing for you ask.

The people laughed at the idea of president trump 8 years ago. Thats why

People voted to punish the party that is in power, because their own economic situation didn't dramatically improve in the past 8 years. They always do this. Obama was a slightly above average President imo. He should have gotten more accomplished. Especially, considering he took over with a majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate. One thing that he did that was good was he made banks stop raping people with overdraft fees. Banks used to charge a 35 dollar fee for each overdraw, now they can only do 1 per 5 days. Which has been very good for a lot of lower income people.

Flawless logic.

Insightful critique.

Gratifying review.

This is readily apparent as you go through the Patrice YT archive.

2008 fucked him up but 2012 sent him over the edge. I haven't watched his show and I don't follow him on twitter but I assume he's mocking people for having a fraction of the outrage he had over Obama getting elected.

But the party claims to not like or support Trump. Have to wait and see. But it's much more satisfying to speculate wildly months before he even takes office.