The one important question about the election: What does the "cellar crew" have to say about this? Will they rescue America with their sharp, observing wit?

32  2016-11-11 by boring_oneliner



To be fair she's a big gal who could probably absorb a punch, I wouldn't talk shit to her fat face.

Her gut would absorb a fist through osmosis.

Diffusion dummy. Osmosis is the movement of water

Oh dang it! I wrote diffusion but silly silly autocorrect changed it!

"I wouldn't talk shit to her fat face, that cunt"

ive hit a girl before and would do it again

Did ya?

yes i can beat up 80% of all females on this planet i like showing my strength to them the weak should fear the strong

Here is a pic of me


You know what duuuuude you got your liberals over here cryin....

Those people have been through the trenches. It's the 100 year anniversary of the Somme this year and I think the only people who have any understanding of the horror felt back then it's the cellar crew.

"Yeah man as a comic, when you walk on stage it's a feeling like "once more into the breach" that no one but a comic can really understand like, musicians and stage actors yeah but it's not comparable"

I'm working on my "Comedian Jimmy"

I'm working on my "Comedian Jimmy"

It needs to be called "Standup Jimmy", and he's been working on this character since '93.

...more importantly...what does the "Philly crew" have to say about this?

Damn you!

See people just don't get it. We shit on eachother at our King's Round Table while simultaneously figuring out all the world's problems, and you peasants are just not funny when you try to do the same thing.

"You should have heard it. Keith called some open mic white guy 'Mr. Rogers' because of his fuckiiiiiiing horrible sweater.:

Those people are so openly honest, trumps shirt is pink lol!!!

You dummies!!!...stroke...