thank god we didn't elect a woman, look how they react when they don't get their way

69  2016-11-11 by [deleted]



I'm not thrilled with the Trump win, but the reactions of the snowflake millennials are starting to turn me..


Her battery was dead by 1am.

She was probably shitfaced drunk.

She wasn't, but I'd respect her an even bit if she was.

How do you know what Shillary was up to in her depression at 2 a.m.?

I've read today that she was drinking heavily based on eyewitness accounts. Who knows, what with lies the online media tells these days though.

Eh, what do I know - Give me a container of coffee, and I'm happy.

Fuckin' Regular Joe. You jamoke.

Tomo89, I remember that tract job from 89, you remember? We got the shipment - and we're about to install da tin - but they forgot to send the slips and drives!!

So we're bendin' slips and drives - eh we got it done, a little bit over budget, but we got it done, right Sandy?

whistle Suit up, guys.

...a little over budget but it didn't come out of my pocket I'm not one of the millionaires.

Love regular Joe.


She has been said to be a regular vodka drinker. And that's what alcoholics turn to because it doesn't have a strong smell on your breath compared to whiskey or gin, so they can be drinking at work.

You know what makes your breath stink like alcohol? Alcohol. Vodka doesn't change shit.

It's not as strong of an odor, though.

Yes, it is.

He was neck deep in her by then.

She cancelled all her plans and fucked over her supporters because she was butthurt. It's no wonder she and Amy get along so well.

They had already put her down in her coffin for the night.


These people are living in the richest country in the world mostly doing nothing but eating delicious shit and looking at their thousand dollar smart phones all day. What the FUCK are they crying about?

They all need to be rounded up and have a nice around the world educational trip through lovely places like Ukraine, Qatar or Somalia to get some fucking perspective on the motherfucking life lottery they won when they crawled out of their mother's cunt where they did. So sick of this horse shit.

To be fair. Life won't change much for you or me. I'm actually hoping for some tax breaks as a silver lining. But, if the Donald does let things like Right to Choose be decided by the states, millions of women will have their health care disrupted. California will be fine. New York will be fine. But Oklahoma?

You factor in 1-2 conservitive supreme Court justices that will shape our interpretation of the law for the next 10-15 years, and things aren't looking awesome for the ladies.

Trump is a charismatic elitist who will do fine, he's not going to nuke Russia. But from a policy standpoint, we could see some regression.

Finally, unless he wants to blow up walmart, he can't get jobs back to the rust belt. It's our fault for wanting 20 dollar power drills.

I see your point but I don't see a guy who imports a fresh Eastern European whore every 10 years as someone who would push for restriction of abortion.

For sure! He won't, but during the debates he said he wanted to let each state decide hor themselves.

All that said, Hillary's response to Trump making that statement was that she would make abortion legal up to the day of delivery. I'm a super liberal dude but thats fucking terrifying in its own right.

Being legal is one thing, finding a doctor to do it is another. No doctor will abort a viable fetus, they'd lose their license. The right to choose is about the government not interfering in the relationship between a woman and her doctor

That's shit you have to say to keep the base happy. I don't believe Trump honestly gives a shit about abortion. George W. Bush was sincerely pro life and he didn't try to make abortion illegal. So I don't think Trump will.

President Elect Trump has told you himself that the rules don't apply to him. He said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." If he needed to force an abortion on a woman, illegal or not, it could happen with no consequences.

He will be happy to help us poors pass laws that restrict our freedoms. When you have enough money, or fame - nevermind the combination of the two; laws are personally optional. If we're confusing him for someone who would feel bad about breaking the law: feeling - that shit is just for spineless losers.

I imagine his wisdom would be, "Losers feel while I make money, lots of money, money that you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams; but I don't have to imagine it, I make it. I could swim in it if I wanted to, but that would be a stupid waste of money... BUT, just so we're clear, I could do it."

I understand that once you get into the billions you are pretty much above the law but my point was that he's probably not some conservative who actually believes in memes like "God doesn't want us to have abortions".

I think by reading my response, You can see that I understood what you are saying. What I am saying is that he doesn't care. If they put it on his desk, he will sign it. He will nominate whomever his advisors tell him to nominate. To keep the base happy, that means the Justice will have to be extremely socially conservative. Look at MI Governor Rick Snyder - that is the playbook. What he believes is of no consequence to what he does, this is business now.

But why would Trump pander to interests that are not his own? It's not like he owes people favors/money for the campaign and getting elected in general, right?

Nice euphemistic language meant to obfuscate the issue. Calling abortion woman's "health care" is fundamentally disingenuous.

Planned Parenthood does more than scoop babies my dude. Cancer screening, std treatment, contraception and more. In fact, baby scooping is less than 5 percent of their yearly business.

Again, if you are in a normal city, you can get these services elsewhere, but there are places in flyover country where planned parenthood is literally the only game in town.


I don't think abortion should be illegal as it has positive effects on crime rates. Early term abortion is something I definitely don't care about. That being said, calling the deliberate killing of a late term fetus "health care" is akin to saying that shooting someone in the head is a "chemical reaction of gunpowder." Don't be a smarmy faggot and pretend that the mean pro-lifers want to "put their hands on MY body" and "tell woman what medical procedures she can have." That is an obfuscation of that fact that there is a life involved in the equation. Your arguments are embarrassingly spurious and your terminology is deliberately dishonest. BTW, you're just a clump of cells too.


And as soon as the baby is out, they wash their hands of it. People who are pro-life should be adopting.


Feel free to de-obfuscate. This should be good.

Well, it's their fault for living in Oklahoma.

That really is the big take away here.


Replacing Scalia's empty seat with a conservative SCJ changes nothing. Trump just gave the liberal justices motivation to stay in their seat for four more years. And Ginsburg already said she isn't interested in retiring any time soon. That was before the election. Unless another one of these old fucks kicks the bucket, Trump will only have the power to fill one seat that was previously filled with a conservative.

Replacing Scalia does nothing, true. But we have no idea how many seats he'll get to replace. May be more than one.

She's like 90 years old and very frail looking. The Grim Reaper will probably retire her soon enough.

She's 83. The average American woman lives to nearly 82. Ginsburg is rich and has access to the finest medical services in the world. There's no reason to believe she's going to die in the next four years.

My Canadian friend called it "The Great Melting of The Snowflakes" and maybe he stole that but I can't stop laughing about it.

I wasnt going to baaaawww my eyes ouy if Hillary won, I also wasn't planning on rioting and attacking people I disagree with. Their movement is toxic.

Niggers ruined America

I don't think... that's... relevant to this conversation...

it's relevant to Joe's conversation

Or is it? Think about it...


These millennial pissy eyed faggots just throw tantrums and get what they want. If that doesn't work, call the person a racist, fascist, homophobe.


Women are only good for ass sex and baking cookies.


Little Jimmy had some entertaining friends to say the least...

I think the moral of the story is: wait for a decent woman to come along before going ape-poopy over one. I'll never understand why so many people completely sold out, emotionally and/or ethically, for this insanely corrupt witch.

Did any of them read Wikileaks? Did any of them watch "Clinton Cash"? Did any of them go down the horrifying rabbit hole re: Spirit Cooking and Comet Pizza?

What's crazy is, even without the more bizarre, sinister shit like that satanic "artist" and the Clinton Body Count, even just using surface, known facts and her own words over the years, she still comes up demonic. Yet she was seen as some sort of champion/guiding light/inspiration to a large chunk of America.

I don't get it.

Spirit cooking was just a goofy dinner at the house of a severely overrated performance artist who's been known about by anyone with even a scant knowledge of contemporary art. The pizza thing was a lunch with North Korean refugees, apart from that you are correct. ''This is related to Bill Clinton saving the two women in this photo from North Korea. The image in question is of Laura Ling and Euna Lee and a daughter belonging to one of them eating pizza together. What they mean is that their jobs don't get any better than reuniting a family by saving people from North Korea. Apparently they were sent this photo after the fact and shared it amongst themselves.'' Don't believe everything you read, confirmation bias is a thing.

So because she's well known she can't be a satanist?

"Yakov's Dinner Adventure" is goofy. To try to put what this Marina psycho does in the same category is disingenuous, bordering on retarded. Her "art" is seriously dark and disturbing, and anybody who's into it is fucked in the head.

And I didn't say the pizza pic of the 3 Asian girls; I said Comet Pizza. It sounds like you've got a lot more reading to do, especially if you want to try to be so high-handed, dismissive, and cocksure (tss).


Also, if you've got a non-pedo theory why Bill Clinton was on Epstein's plane so many times, I'm all ears.

Ah yeah, the subreddit that found madeleine mccann.

I've said more rude things to black women in the last 2 days than i have in my entire life. And I'm working class.

Maybe next time you'll vote, fuckers.

Shut up faggot.

All jokes aside, there is a lot of fucking truth to that.

Her battery was dead by 1am.

She cancelled all her plans and fucked over her supporters because she was butthurt. It's no wonder she and Amy get along so well.

All that said, Hillary's response to Trump making that statement was that she would make abortion legal up to the day of delivery. I'm a super liberal dude but thats fucking terrifying in its own right.

That's shit you have to say to keep the base happy. I don't believe Trump honestly gives a shit about abortion. George W. Bush was sincerely pro life and he didn't try to make abortion illegal. So I don't think Trump will.

They had already put her down in her coffin for the night.