We needed that glorious bitch Joan Rivers this year.

58  2016-11-11 by BeMineYouGoose

She wouldn't be the antidote to all these dumb female comics fawning over that criminal Hillary and in fact EVERY comedian going insane this year.

God save the Queen.


She would've eviscerated Amy.

Then Jezebel would've written a blog about why do we care what this old woman thinks.

"Cry me a Rivers!: Why Joan Rivers is everything wrong with white feminism today."

fawk yeah

This shit really writes itself. Don't you wish you were one of them sometimes?

You can write all of it as a white man and just say that you're a black queer trans woman who wants to stay anonymous due to threats. Start a blog, put some quotes you manufactured your articles around on some cafepress t-shirts and you've got money. It's all #ListenAndBelieve ideology so they're the perfect rubes for any person slimy enough to take advantage of it.

The problem is most of the people who consume this media are university dwellers who just shuffle money around each other's Patreons, so you wouldn't get a ton of money.

Shaun King?

Only young women are allowed to be brave.


You know someone is a national treasure when everyone talks about what they would say if they were still here. On that note, RIP Patrice as well.

She would have some beautifully crafted fat jokes. Listen honey, the only trainwreck I saw was your ass in yoga pants.

"Can we tawk? Can we tawk? Oh, oh, and now Trump says grab them by the pussy. He grabbed me by my pussy, it was like a magician pulling hankerchiefs out of a hat! It really wasn't so bad, I was in another room as my pussy at the time. By the time I felt it the statute of limitations had expired. And now he wants to ban muslims, can you beleve that? I said to him, I said, Donald, why do you want to ban muslims, we don't need to ban them! Just nuke that stupid black square in Mecca, they'll shut down like robots after their main computer is destroyed. They'll walk around like brainless idiots with no values or life in their eyes, stumbling around- they'll turn into Kardashians, but not as hairy!"

I'm not sure if you just proved Joan Rivers to be a hack or yourself to be an autistic genius

The latter. I love Joan.

Hmm, didn't know homosexuals were allowed in here. It's cool though.

2/3 hosts of this subs namesake are gay men

And the other is a gay broad.

A little from column A, a little from column PECKAHS.

Ahahaha shit

So true that it made me sad reading Thai. God she was awesome

I really felt like she was hitting her prime as she died, such a shame

I wouldn't mind that rotund negro coming back either.


If she never died she not only would be campaigning for Trump but he probably would have gotten a ton of bitch voters from it cause he had no real strong female backing him.... in terms of personality joan was basically Trump with gash

She might've brought a lot of fagalas over to his side, too.

You wanna borrow a shovel?

I wish patrice was alive

I think you're the first person to say this.

Black Phillip woulda been nice too. Probably would have preferred Trump.

Joan was great. And you got blood on my designer crush gold seats. Fuck you in your wreched shedding pussy. Peckahs.

To bad the Obamas had her killed for telling everyone Michelle was a tranny.

Roast In Peace.

(((Joan Rivers))) would definitely provide some hilarious anecdotes about the political race. Perhaps she could even slip in some support for our favorite ally in the world: Israel.

Was never funny.

Joan Rivers was as funny as the sledgehammer in my toolshed.

We don't need some twat commenting on Hillary's clothing. Joan is not needed.

Shut up, faggot.

Hmm, didn't know homosexuals were allowed in here. It's cool though.