I don't like how Sam is addressing "Those millennials!" as if he isn't one himself

1  2016-11-11 by StripedTiger711

He's 33, but he's coming off as a fed up baby boomer. Shaddup


Sam is a 12 year old boy, he still thinks girls are "yucky"

he talks about his wife like she is a dumb teenager. isnt she the bread winner of the family?

I can sympathise with him though as I'm a millennial and it disgusts me because most of us are complete SJW faggots.

The Jews don't have a monopoly on self-hate you know, maybe he feels better about himself not to identify as a whinging useless cunt.

Regardless of age, his ADULT hobby is a child's interest. He is millennial through and through

Where's the cut off age for millennial? I feel like Sam should be considered a 5 year old.

A manchild who still watches wrestling and diet consists mostly of chicken nuggets is definitely a rung or two below millennials on the ladder of societies shitcunts.