Lena Dunham didn't even fucking vote

23  2016-11-10 by thellimist


The article didn't say what your headline says, but it also didn't say that she's a fat horsefaced cunt either, so can we really trust what we read?

No, because words are bullshit

Literacy is for faggots.

Johannes Gutenberg is the biggest fag of the 15th century.

lol she may have committed voter fraud if she voted in the democratic primaries as an independent.

Fuck everyone involved here. The cunt Lena Dunham, and the faggot that looked up her voting history

and everyone in north east philly

And yo bitch and the clique u claim

Lena Dunham is you coked up or doped up? Fuck with real G's and get your whole Junior Whopper clique smoked up.

I saw an Amy Schumer clip encouraging it. "If you don't go out to vote and people look up your voting history, they'll know."

i do think thats bullshit though. no reason that should be public information

I like how she hasn't tweeted in 2 days

Hopefully she got a different kind of triggered.

doubt it... probably got 10 PTSDs at the sight of the gun just like Kuntzman

"Political awakening" meaning "voting for the woman."

For the primaries back in April.

Everyone has a talent.
Hers is being a lying portly urinal.

Worse yet how does this sister raping pig have 5 million followers




So does that mean she didn't vote for Hillary back in 2008? I'm ashamed in you Lena... I'm not even mad. I'm just ashamed.


So is she calling for people to be attacked based on their voting record, instead of questioning why the voting record is public?

Who the hell even is she? What does she do?

I think she was in a girl movie once then stuck moon rocks in her sisters pussy. No apprul fahlls. The left embraced her for her raping her little sister.



She says she did. Thankyou for your service.

NY doesn't allow Independents to vote in the primaries. If she did vote, then she committed fraud.

Quick pedantic note. if you are not registered to a party the correct term is unaffiliated. If someone says they are registered Independent, they may very be part of the Independence Party.

She says she switched her registration to dem.

Except you can't do that in New York. You need to have changed your affiliation to Democrat six months before the primary in April. So she would have had to have changed her affiliation from Independent to Democrat in November of last year.

New York doesn't allow you to change your affiliation just to vote in a primary. The state is very fucked up with its voting rules.

New York doesn't allow you to change your affiliation just to vote in a primary.

That's actually a good thing.

So good that they shut out Independents in a state like New York and thus nominated a party demagogue who everyone hates. They could have had some outside opinions, but instead shut them out and consequently lost the election in embarrassing fashion.

Yes. Because if you wanted to help shape a political party, you should have joined that god-damed political party. Don't be such a shitlord cuntdick.

You dont know when thats from or if it's accurate.

I don't, but her explanation doesn't make any sense in light of this fact. She didn't say when she changed her affiliation.

Some no effort dick head is trying to burn her on social media for his own gain, how much of an explanation does he deserve? How relevent of an issue is it anyway?

The database screenshot says otherwise. It probably would have been updated since April. There is a chance it's outdated and she's telling the truth though, but seems unlikely.

You dont know when that was taken, if it's authentic, or if the website is accurate. It doesn't help that it's obvious clickbait to float a story about dunham 'not voting' two days after the general election when you're talking about the primary.

I refuse to believe it. Skimming the first paragraph of the article gave me enough information to run with.

You New York fags voted overwhelmingly for that cunt Hillary in the primaries (and general election) so who gives a shit? We already know Lena sucks.

All big cities are mostly democratic votes. The rest of NY was basically Trumpville.

Yes. Because if you wanted to help shape a political party, you should have joined that god-damed political party. Don't be such a shitlord cuntdick.