WikiLeaks is doing an AMA right now

0  2016-11-10 by TheScarletR

The wikileaks staff*

Head on over fellas


A whole lot of, "why didnt u release anything big and bad on Trump"

Maybe cause he didnt have an unsecure server while traveling the world with illegally held sap information that has hacked by 6 different countries... but nah they should still have stuff on Trump

I havent read through it yet, I look forward to the whiners

They kinda fucked themselves because apparently at one point they said something along the lines of "We did get some info on Trump, but we found them to be unessential for public viewing"

So essentially they probably have some email chains of Trump bragging to his buddies about Melania's new titties

Can we get a look at all your private personal emails for transparency? No? really

My personal emails are all in that ugly Rosemary font, you dont wanna see them

Haha, we know your a fruit but I was talking about the wiki leaks staff

Is it in Russian?

tss no but theyre russian 'im to jail !

double gunz 🔫🔫

Fawk yeah Julian ASSange or sumthin

So, avoiding a rape conviction huh? Hows that?


I'm glad he's facing it like a man then. Did you enjoy all those fake smoking gun announcements to sell his book or whatever?

Haha, we know your a fruit but I was talking about the wiki leaks staff

I havent read through it yet, I look forward to the whiners

Fawk yeah Julian ASSange or sumthin

I'm glad he's facing it like a man then. Did you enjoy all those fake smoking gun announcements to sell his book or whatever?