This is what we get to deal with on FaceBook now. I can say with certainty that this guy never once brought up politics or cared at all, now that Trump is elected he wants to preach to the rest of us

1  2016-11-10 by TheScarletR


I'm not reading the ramblings of your retarded facebook friend!! And that font!! What are you, 13yrs old?

Thats the second complaint about my font! I better change it before I have the gall to post another screenshot.

Also his tldr is that "even though trump is president, we need to be respectful to muslims, etc."

Lol, I didn't realise this was your post... yes dude.. change that faggy teenage girl font now.. surprised you don't have hearts to dot the i's

Nah that'd be "Choco Cookie" font

I actually stuck with the normal bold font until like two days ago and the first two screenshots I posted got "what the fuck is with that font?" So my first instinct to never change it was the right one haha

What are you babbling about? The fact you even looked at the font settings tells me to have a leaky vagina

So what if my vagina is leaky, thats what I say.

When you saw the option to exchange a standard san serif font for a "cutesy" font that looks like shitty handwriting please tell me what was going through your head

I was very high

High on oestrogen

Nice brit spelling you peesah G

I took a big L on this post, gang

I was very high