Guys, children are our future

0  2016-11-10 by Aloha--Akbar


Nice parents for indoctrinating their kid, i never gave a shit about politics until like high school and even then it was just wanting weed legalized. Now we have 5 year old feminists

Aw jeezus, that just melts my heart. Somebody go get that little girl a Syrian no-fly-zone and shit, why not $500 million in anti-tank missiles to whichever terrorist group she likes best. She looks like she might be a fan of Jaish Fateh al-Sham but then again maybe she's more into Hillary's Chechens in al-Nusrah. Sucks though, if the right person had gotten elected gay people would finally be able to leave the sewers and we wouldn't have to choose only one jihadist group to support. Love is love. Love trumps hate.

that tattle tail, let uncle paul kiss ya in da votin boot