Opie really is a paranoid idiot

96  2016-11-10 by Dennyislife


Even the ViralSpiral hires are getting tired of this

Oh god, he's reverted into David my David.

"Who are you why are you tweeting me when I don't even know who you are..."



Heebie Kikeburger

He'll be getting ready to board a Navy ship soon.

Oof, what a dullard.

I couldn't help but read that in his highest high pitched voice

Opie is a cunt

He's such a dope. I was having similar problems with the the ESPN channels on Sirius/XM during the world series.

No he's not. Sirius is phasing him the fuck out.

He's never met the fuckin' guy!

maybe he thought Jess was Sams wife

it's not even paranoia, it's self-centeredness.

That's an understatement. It's narcissism.

This is the mind of Opie, a guy who is waiting to pounce at anyone who can be seen as threatening to his livelihood.

Greggshells are very real. He is such a douche.

And you're an obsessed, mentally ill person. This is not a defense of Opie but an intervention hoping that you get a life or get help.

You mean i shouldn't spend my days at work fucking about on twitter and here?

Sorry boss.

How many Reddit accounts do you have?

Do you run several accounts like Sam does?

Anyone as obsessed with Opie as you is beyond pathetic.

I have this one. I didn't even downvote you once...

Holy shit. This is a bit, right?

We may have finally found a real Opie fan, can we do an AMA or something?

No, this douche only posts to defend Opie.

That's some damn good commitment to the bit

It's true. I am really Sam Roberts. I also run the StinksKC account.

This one too.

This is not a defense of Opie

Haha. You thinking that would cause people to think "well, at least he's not a total douche"