The best revenge for Trump supporters is still to come...

0  2016-11-10 by ElectricHellKnight



I just cant wait until blacks and women have to admit how wrong they were once he starts giving them free shit out of nowhere and defending them when they least expect it


I'm going to assume that this is an accidental post in the wrong sub.

It wasn't. The whole sub is filled with Trump posts that have little to do with O&A. Mine just lacked any of the pretense.

Oh mercy, do you really think politics works that way? That there is a right answer and everyone is just being stubborn and will come around? No, you dim wit. The country and its' government is this giant machine with a billion parts and it's impossible for every part of that machine to work at the same time. The administrators of the machine are supposed to do the best they can with it and mitigate the negative effects. Since the turn of the century either side has become less interested in the macro approach and less concerned with being divisive. In 4 or 8 years you're going to see the backlash the other way because of all the disappointment and we'll just do this again forever.

I never said this would be the end of all problems or tension, just that it will be great how fucking stupid these people will look in four years when Trump doesn't destroy America.

Didn't destroy America! That is a hell of an accomplishment.

You fucking dunderhead. You clearly don't understand what I mean. Not that not destroying the country is an accomplishment, just how fun it will be to say "told you so" when he doesn't.

I understood what you meant.

You're not very bright. They'll just come up with a laundry list of ways they claim he made things horribly worse and how those things prove they were right. It's hilariously naive to assume there's ever a possibility of getting obsessed partisan fuckheads to admit to being wrong.

I understood what you meant.