Fucking Stanhope

91  2016-11-10 by Dennyislife


He really only draws the line at something that'll get him sued. Everything else is fair fucking game.

Poor Bingo.

He should rent her out Kill Bill-style.

Can you imagine willfully being around someone who calls themselves Bingo

She fawkin had that nickname since she was 8 years old, fuckface

Meh her last name's Bingamin...its not great but she probably didnt choose it and it just kinda stuck...I see why it stinks but I dont hate it, whatev

Well I didn't know that backstory, at least she wasn't actually proud about being given a dog name.


It's because she always takes a line around old men.

she's a cunt hair away from a schwill circle in an austin alley

tss yeh or yahtzee rite

Yeah, I can.

https://youtu.be/p3kdmOQlqfQ?t=5375 Heres Doug saying what happened. Burr seems to be tapping out.

Burr's horrified non-reaction to this was my favourite part.

Dude bill made that whole live stream watchable

I've only seen that 5 minutes and about 10 minutes towards the end. Looked like a complete shit show, is it worth watching in it's entirety?

No, you're correct

I wouldn't watch the whole thing all the way through. I only did it on election night because I was switching between this and news shows I was streaming cause there are large portions of this that are unwatchable, especially when Rogan, Stanhope etc start to wear down and the club comedians, like Tony Hinchcliffe, make their way out to the stage to do their bits. Rogan leaves the stage and disappears for around 90 mins. Stanhope leaves early and just comes out for a few minutes here and there.

Burr and Kreischer are the only ones who stay out there the whole time.

"Well, thats what happens when you are a fucked up self righteous druggy... Still 216 209. Trump."

So what does he say?

Someone already posted. Coke seizure fell and fractured skull

You really gotta do a lot of coke before you get a seizure, girl is a trooper.

Ps the cunt who says OH MAN YOU WENT FOR IT and laughs like Fouad from family guy needs to die

Ah okay thx i thought that guy was just making a joke, using the "obvious answer" angle.

Shit off

Is that Schaub? Fucking horrible laugh and he brings the mic to his mouth every time.

What happened to Bingo?

She "fell down, went boom"

Did too much cocaine and had a seizure. Bipolar women like her remind me of my dear ol' ma. sniff

Amber Heard gave her the ol' Reginald Denny treatment.

Good things, apparently.

I don't know why he bothers. She's horrible. She's so selfish and self absorbed. She gets kept in a nice lifestyle and doesn't even walk the dogs in return.

Someone says he explains it in his book, which I bought the day it came out and never read. Anything could be in there. Oh well.

You should write book reviews for the Atlantic Monthly

Same here. I've had it personally signed by him too at skankfest earlier this year. It says "[my name] I love U" then his signature

Still haven't read it.

It's a Stanhope explanation, so all the claims that she is a lazy, useless asshole are pretty much true.

She doesn't shower either

Not in the audio version. He's just in love and let's her do anything she wants. Just like how he was with his mom.

she used to fuck him

Seems in poor taste.

I don't go for that

she saw a screener of CQ's new special. I guess it's not for everyone, kids.

The new cq special will be the JAM show of comedy special, it's mediocre but everybody pretends it's gold


Did she died?


Two comics killing their wife in a span of months, wow.

I like Stanhope so he gets a pass

I don't like Patton but killing a woman puts him up a peg.

She did work on lady ghost busters

Did she?

cant bother to look it up but i think thats the reason he kept shilling for the film

That could easily just be because he's such a huge fuckin' twiter SJW

all these mofo need to get off twitter and be more funny

i remember i got twitter and tried to follow a bunch of comedians cause everybody kept talking about it, what they talk about on there are absolutely the most boring shit ever

Dogs LOVE blood.

I thought 2 of the 3 "broads" groping Bingo were dudes.

The one looks like Ant. That poor unfuckable girl.

RIP Amy Buttercheeks.

I do love that chainsmoking drug addicted ghoul.

He should do her in the way he did mother.

What the hell happened to Bingo?

What the fuck. I thought that dumb coma shit was a bit. This is hilarious.

I'm still confusing him and Doug Benson.

You'll know Stanhope as being the funny one.

Doug is a straight, not retarded Milo.

So he's nothing like milo then?

I mean he is a troll that too many idiots take seriously. He is smarter than your average liberal pretending to be an alt right dipshit for money, though.

I'm speaking of his social media shenanigans. I love his stand up.

You're a fucking retard.

Cheesy Petes, buddy, tell me what you really think.

"Doug is Milo without all of Milo's defining qualities"

They both suck dicks ironically.

So ironically you said it twice you rat fuck.

I only said it ironically once.

They both suck dicks ironically.


I wus tellin yuh mudda 2

I like both and they're not even remotely similar

They'll both probably die before they're 50

Stanhope is a fucking tryhard faggot. Ohh, I'm a drunk... Oh, I'm irreverent. Cringe edge tourism. Give me my downvotes, cocksuckers.

He's one of the best comedians alive and doesn't pander to any demographic. So what if he's a drunken, addicted, low life. I prefer that to any hollywood faggot.


Anthony? Michael Sam? 50 Cent? Tyler Perry?



He doesnt say he's those things, he just kinda is, which is a lot more genuine than most of them, if you have a little more life experience its actually pretty clear

They don't think it be but it is

True. But the fact that he is actually is funny redeems him.

I won't go that far, but Mr. Outlaw Rebel certainly skirted the Big Amy brouhaha.

He also gushed way too hard over his friendship with Johnny Depp, and went way too far out of his way to mention that he was faithful to Bingo during their temporary split, even though she ran off to be with some other dude.

Doug's a good egg, but there's a fair amount of poseur bullshit there.

Yeah, when you LITERALLY allow yourself to be cucked, there's just no way I'm ever gonna consider you a real dude.

especially when he sells himself as Mr. Badass J. Doesn'tGiveAFuck

it's like "ok, so what else is a lie, douche?"



I only said it ironically once.

He should rent her out Kill Bill-style.

No, you're correct

I wouldn't watch the whole thing all the way through. I only did it on election night because I was switching between this and news shows I was streaming cause there are large portions of this that are unwatchable, especially when Rogan, Stanhope etc start to wear down and the club comedians, like Tony Hinchcliffe, make their way out to the stage to do their bits. Rogan leaves the stage and disappears for around 90 mins. Stanhope leaves early and just comes out for a few minutes here and there.

Burr and Kreischer are the only ones who stay out there the whole time.

She doesn't shower either