Maybe we should have just let putin nuke cali/new york

1  2016-11-10 by Leetmcfeet


There's plenty of reasons to nuke New York. Todd Pettingil, Opie, that atrocious accent, half of you fags on this sub, etc

Todd Pettingil

Yeah dis is Mistuh Melty McBurnskin. You dropped a nuke on my house and I demand compensation ya turkey!

Why are rich white k8ds chanting "hands up dont shoot"? Theres 3 reasons why that doesnt make sense

this is funded by george soros for BLM. that guy cant die quick enough

You're only seeing California's trash. The rest of the state is filled with rednecks and american beaners who actually like Trump.

Please don't nuke New York, I live in this state

Oh take one for the team, you selfish goose.

I wish california would break off of north america and sink into the pacific ocean or we could turn it into a gay colony like on escape from LA except just for gay people and use it as a bombing range