Did jim vote for hillary?

0  2016-11-09 by [deleted]

Jim keeps hiding his vote with that unfunny "voting is private" shtick even though weeks leading up to this he kept saying when he thought he was voting for hillary or trump.

It seems for whatever reason he wont say who he voted for, and knowing jimmy, he has some dumb reason why he wont reveal it.

I found it odd yesterday when him and sam were talkin about the election, and jim was sort of moving the convo to who sam voted for that he realized it would come back to him on who he picked, and told sam not to say who he voted for and went back to the "voting is private".

I think if he voted for trump he would just say it, but instead i think he picked hillary and knows he talked all that shit about "dumb motherfuckers" who keep voting for politicians like hillary even though they say they want change. Maybe jimmy is too embarrassed to say he was influenced by his friends.


99% chance he didn't vote and instead stayed home, edged and looked up talking points to regurgitate to seem well informed.

He said he's voting for Trump. Both in a youtube video and on the show before the election (or last late last week). He's just messing with the audience/callers like O&A have always done. You're supposed to be in on the joke.

Na. He clearly is disguising it. You are just too dumb to pick up on it


It's simply a private matter and cannot be discussed over the airwaves you goose

He probably didn't vote, but wants to tell Big Amy that he voted for Hillary.

I don't know who he voted for but I do know that Amy said she couldn't be friends with anyone who voted for Trump and I think it's pretty likely that has either caused Jimmy to keep quiet or vote for Clinton.

It's a secret

it really shouldn't be discussed in public

I don't give a care

i think this is a topic that has no value. It's like asking if you think jim washes his hands after pissing.

that being said if you think it has legs and can be made to annoy jimmy, i'm all in

holy shit, thought i was on r/conspiracy for a second.