Next on John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher: Make Comedy Hack Again!

3  2016-11-09 by boring_oneliner



That's because she doesn't complain when he jerks off in front of her.


Why would having a republican president tank their ratings? Wouldn't it make those shows more popular than ever? You must have missed the Bush years.



To be fair Trevor Noah has been tanking the Daily Show ratings since he took it over. Only reason he hasn't been fired yet is because he's black. And Stephen Colbert is slowly killing the Late Show. He will probably be out of there sooner rather than later.

I have to admit, until Colbert took over the Late Show, i never realized how much of an unlikeable douche he is.

yeah, it's weird cos I liked his old show. seems by portraying the über-douche he was able to hide his mediochre celebrity douchiness.

Its almost like calling every person who votes for trump an idiot might be bad for ratings

Memo to all corporations: "We dont have to hire tranny's anymore"