Jim and Sam just made a porn girl cry

10  2016-11-09 by Dennyislife



I liked Mary Jean I'm all in for more on the street interviews with her

Her ass and titties are great

This is the first time I actually enjoyed one of their porn girls. She was funny, her interview segment was funny and dumb, and then the crying thing was a real moment that those two dummies didn't know how to handle. It was good.

And the crying came out of no where. It made crazy ooze right out of my speakers.

Was she the one who didn't understand Ant's PID joke?

The female half of the mentally retarded couple that Jimmy is interviewing about the election does porn?

Jim had a porn girl on? Holey shit. That's groundbreaking radio.

was she a Hillary supporter?

She wasn't the smartest so yes. But she didn't vote. As dumb as a bag of rocks. Made for some funny questions actually as she had no idea what people were saying.

ok, so just the standard o&a (except no o or a) treatment...