/u/clitorius or whatever the fuck your name is...

10  2016-11-09 by panasonictooth



Lol u/Clibanarius

Such an obnoxious cunt.



Is this your president or no?

I wonder how long it will be before this sub's resident SJWs show their faces around here.

The Hillary trolls are gone, they were paid a penny a post. Hillary is keeping the rest of the campaign donations for legal fees, she is going to have people looking into her e-mail situation, alot more, now that her powerbase (protection) in Washington is GONE!

there are still people who drank the CTR koolaid and mimic the talking points for free, and they are here... they're just being extra careful

The Hillary trolls are gone, they were paid a penny a post. Hillary is keeping the rest of the campaign donations for legal fees, she is going to have people looking into her e-mail situation, alot more, now that her powerbase (protection) in Washington is GONE!